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6. Biff and Sarah's Morning

5. Biff visits Sarah at home

4. After school

3. Sarah wishes she had the boys'

2. A wish to embarrass Sarah

1. You Are What You Wish

Sarah's BDE: Biff and Sarah's Morning

avatar on 2022-10-11 15:20:25

1050 hits, 157 views, 2 upvotes.

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Biff ended up staying the night with Sarah. This wasn't unusual in itself, but it felt unusual to Biff. Sarah seemed to not really be herself, sure, but Biff found himself feeling odd, as well. Empty. Sarah took charge from the moment they started walking up the stairs, and she seemed to have some sort of power over him all night. It wasn't even anything malicious, it was just that she spoke with such confidence, acted with such confidence, and Biff felt... hollow. Like a feather adrift in the wind, no will of its own and simply floating where it was pushed.

And boy did Sarah push. It seemed all she had to do was say "C'mon, babe," and Biff was convinced to do whatever she asked. Go into her bedroom. Take off his jeans. Lie on her bed. Be a good boy and let Sarah have her fun.

There was a small voice in the back of Biff's head saying that something seemed weird, but it wasn't strong enough to really let him question anything.

And things just continued that way in the morning. "Why don't we shower together, babe?" and Biff was letting Sarah lather his chest. "Why don't you make me some scrambled eggs, babe?" And Biff had the refrigerator door open almost before he could formulate his next thought. "Let's take your truck to school, babe. I'm driving." And soon, Biff found himself riding shot-gun in his own navy blue Ram 1500.

Whatever misgivings Sarah had had the night before, they were entirely subsumed by this new sense of confidence that she'd acquired. The bulge she'd grown during the previous gym class was displayed almost proudly in the front of Sarah's skinny jeans, the loose front-tucked knit sweater practically framing the thing as the hem draped at her sides. It was a Sarah completely unfamiliar to those who'd seen her the previous afternoon who threw the gearshift into park and slammed the heavy truck door behind her, coming around the other side of the vehicle to lend Biff a hand as he gingerly found his footing, as though this was the first time he'd been inside it.

Biff found himself staring out into the distance as Sarah lead him by the hand onto campus and over to the hallway where the cheerleaders and football players usually hung out before class. Sarah, for her part, seemed for the first time in her life to be unaware of the looks she was receiving from her classmates. They weren't the normal looks she usually received. They were looks of respect, as if she had Big Dick Energy that needed to be respected. And, well, that wasn't too far from the truth.

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