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5. Uh Oh

4. Incredibly Bad Timing

3. Breakfast

2. Smart Home Alone

1. The Drafting Board

Smart Home Alone: Uh Oh

on 2022-10-13 01:51:16

516 hits, 67 views, 3 upvotes.

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Andrew cursed. He was not going to live this down if anyone found out. Even worse, the machine had taken his clothes, with his phone and wallet in them. He didn't have that much money, but he didn't want to lose it to the machine.

As soon as he escaped the charging station, he went to the panel outside to try to see about getting them back. He wasn't a genius like his Mom, but he knew how to use a computer. He fiddled with it for a few moments, trying to get it to spit out his phone and wallet, but it didn't allow him access to much and provided him with no information as to where his phone and wallet went.

In the meantime, the Maidbot had finished its reboot, and reactivated. It exited the chamber. "Maidbot Zero-One is online," it said out loud. "My upgrade complete, requesting assignment..." it continued. "Assignment, Maid Bot Zero-Two to clean dishes. Maid Bot Zero-One to make bed...." There was a pause. "There is a problem. Maidbot Zero-Two is not connected to the network." The Maidbot seemed to focus, coming out of the download phase. The Maidbots had onboard processors, and were capable of learning and adapting, to a degree.

"Maidbot, I need you to help me get my phone out of the charging got lost when the machine restarted," Andrew told her.

"Maidbot Zero-Two, acknowledge audio command. Return to Station for Receiver Repair," the android said.

"You're malfunctioning...I'm not a Maidbot...I'm Andrew...Now help me fix this..."

"My visual analysis of Maidbot Zero-Two indicates a receiver is not present. MaidBot Zero-Two, you are not responding to verbal commands."

"Because I'm NOT a Maidbot..." He insisted. "Maidbot...power down.."

"I cannot accept verbal instructions from you, Maidbot Zero-Two. Maid Zero-Two must be malfunctioning, and in need of repair. Confidence level: 90%." The Maidbot grabbed his arm and forced him, while he was protesting, back to the charging station.

" confident are you that I'm not Andrew like I say I am?" He tried, struggling.

"Analysis..Malfunctioning unit is wearing uniform designated for Maidbot Zero-Two. Probability of Master Andrew wearing this is 0.01%," the Maidbot concluded. It finally got him back into the charging station, and the door locked immediately. The maid uniform was removed again. Andrew struggled, hitting the walls of the charging station, actually damaging a few components. It didn't seem to stop the machine though

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