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3. Somewhere in the US...

2. One year later: The end of soc

1. You Are What You Wish

One Year Later: The Future of Mankind

on 2008-12-20 12:10:20

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Age Anthro Aware FTM FTP Inanimate MTF Musc Part Theft SciFi

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"Ladies and gentlemen, you have been briefed as to why you are here today. Thank you for making the journey to DC."

"What's this about, Dr Spotswood?" a woman interrupted. She had a dry, smoker's voice and sounded impatient. "All you told us, was some kind of breeding program?"

"I apologise for having to keep you in the dark about the specific nature of our discovery. It was of course a matter of national security," the woman called Spotswood paused a moment before adding, "but that's not the only reason."

"Then tell us the reason," replied another, well-spoken woman. "Please continue, Doctor."

"Of course, Madame President."

The president's here! Jon thought excitedly.

Spotswood continued to speak, "As you all know, four months ago we that is, everyone in the entire world, suddenly became aware of an unprecedented attack on all mankind."

"We still cannot fathom the cause nor the reason for the attack, we only know the result which that is plainly evident. Every single human male on the planet was changed at the genetic level into a voluptuous, beautiful and oversexed 20-something female."

"Through several witness testaments we've pinpointed the exact time and date of the attack to 214 days before the date we became aware of the effects. Like waking from a dream to find out it was real all along."

"We are also investigating the reason we 'woke up', although we have found anything concrete yet. However, the simultaneous nature of the event implies a non-natural act was the cause and we're working along those lines."

"An non-natural act, Doctor?"

"As opposed to 'natural causes'. Say this was a medical infection for example, and we stumbled upon the cure or the disease had run its course. Every person would recover at a unique pace proportional to their metabolic rate. Our collective awakening was simultaneous, just as the original attack was. Like flicking a light switch in a darkened room "“ in the same instant, everyone can see clearly."

Or a magical wishing stone shattering into dust, thought Jon.

"That's not all. There are several artifacts "“ or rather, lack of artifacts - that imply this was not an attack on merely the genetic level. For example, where are the urinals? The men's bathrooms? Or men's clothing for that matter? Where are jock straps? We all remember these things but they have been erased from our world. Our names have been changed, along with all our identity documents."

"On that note, it pleases me to inform you, ladies and gentlemen, that we've acquired funding for the administration of a nation-wide name correction scheme for former men who wish to change theirs back."

"Wonderful news, Madame President," Spotswood smiled.

"Our friends in Great Britain and Canada have already commenced similar operations and we are happy to be joining them," the president went on. "We're projecting the message that we as a people are undeterred by this crisis and our government is working hard to ensure that our way of life is protected while we learn to adapt to these troubling times."

"Bravo, Madame President," the smoker chimed in. "I, for one, greatly look forward to the day when I can cast off the disturbing and disgusting pseudonym I was given by these despicable terrorists."

"General Cocksmoker is right," said Spotswood, followed by an agonized grunt from the general, presumably at the mention of her name. "Before we digress. These are all changes beyond the scope of any genetic modification known to science. I can only conclude that this was on something greater. The fundamental nature of our reality changed!"

"We are digressing, Trixie," the General snarled. "Tell us why you have brought us together today."

"Very well, General," Spotswood replied. "I brought you all here today to discuss our long term solution. We've no men, no sperm banks and we need to think about reproduction if we are to survive beyond the next generation. This is mankind's largest problem, and most imminent threat."

"Have we looked at in vitro fertilisation?" the President asked.

"We were looking at that as a last resort. Fertilisation using the genetic data of two mothers is possible, but still very experimental and would cost astonishing amounts of money.

"We would have to either bankroll it for at least 70% of our population "“ costing our country countless billions and plunging us into a distinctly unfavorable economic situation - or face a population reduction of that magnitude within two generations. To put it simply, the old ways are better - and cheaper."

"The old ways, Spotswood? Surely you don't mean-"

"Sperm. Sperm and men," the Doctor announced. "A single male could inseminate countless women in the first, second and third generations with little cost, and would produce more sperm donors who would add to the pool in every generation he sired."

"As improbable as it seems Doctor," scolded Cocksmoker, "you seem to have forgotten that we have no men."

"Not any more. We have located one sperm producing male. He is why I have brought you here today."

"Behind that screen?" asked the General.

My screen, Jon thought.

"I notice you said 'male', Doctor," said the President, "not 'man'."

"Yes, Madame President," the doctor replied. "You will see why shortly. I hasten to assure you I am not proposing an inter-species breeding program as I am certain some of you must be contemplating after the President's astute remark. Far from it."

"Than what is it, Doc?"

"This is a human male who, like us, has undergone dramatic changes. The nature of these changes was for some reason very different to ours. We don't know why this is so and although he is unfortunately no longer what you could call a typical specimen of human masculinity; he has retained his male equipment and produces healthy sperm.

"We found and detained him two days ago and have been cultivating his genetic material since. We've tested it, it's fertile and healthy and there's plenty more where it came from.

"In fact, we first discovered our subject's tracks when we encountered a young woman who was six months pregnant at the time. This was a distinct impossibility as there were no supposedly men on the planet six months previously. She is an acquaintance of our subject and led us to him."

Jon was surprised by this news. Could that have been Karyn? I can't believe she would do that to me!

"I realise it's an extremely small genetic base to start from. For a breeding program to succeed with only one male donor, we would need to utilize as many different mothers as possible to supplement the genetic base. Given sufficient numbers, we expect the new genetic strain to stabilize within five generations."

"'Be fruitful and multiply'," the President noted. "It might be tricky, but we could sell that to the people."

"God forbid, I can see the promotional campaign now," the General's voice again. "'Please have sex' is not exactly a tough sale."

"It would still be a strictly volunteers only program, of course. And little sex involved - I assume we'd use current commercial in vitro technology for impregnation?"

"In the first generation, most certainly," said the Doctor. "I thought perhaps, about enlisting the men and women of our armed forces ?"

"Only those who volunteers, of course," the General noted. "We can't commit large portions of the military to duties would inevitably leave us short staffed and endanger our national defenses and our operations abroad. I guarantee you, the volunteer rate will be very high among our forces in any case. This is saving the world we're talking about "“ it's damn patriotic!"

"Yes it is General," Spotswood added. "I will introduce you to our man momentarily, but first I implore you to keep in mind what I have already said.

"This man is far from perfect, but he is the only sperm-producing human we have encountered in ten months, the last four of which were an intensive search. He is likely a one-of-a-kind fluke, and perhaps the only man left on the planet. He's the best we've got, all we've got, but we've got him."

From his hidden spot behind the screen, Jon heard the doctor pace back and forth on her heels as she spoke.

"I know this fellow is not normal. Please look past that and consider the bigger picture. His offspring will undoubtedly share many of his abnormalities, but we anticipate that with a large-scale selective breeding program we could all but eliminate them in ten generations."

"Ten generations? That's two hundred years!"

"You're talking about eugenics, Doctor!" the President gasped. "I don't know if the American people, let alone the rest of the civilised world, would stomach such a thing, even in these dire circumstances!"

"The only other alternative is to commence breeding and let nature take its course. In all probability this will result in the abnormalities becoming widespread. A new genetic norm will be created. Left to nature, we would effectively reshape the human race, in his image so to speak."

"This government cannot authorise eugenics, Doctor."

"Then with some reservations, allow me to introduce the new face of man," Spotswood rolled back the screen. "Ladies and gentleman, this is Jon."

Jon saw for the first time the occupants of the room. He'd already met Trixie Spotswood, but there were several other officials either in suits, military uniforms or white coats. He instantly recognised the female president and guessed which of the many women was General Cocksmoker (from her low-cut military uniform and cigar in hand).

As one, the visitors looked upon Jon's naked body and gasped.

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