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2. Magic items for sale at an ani

1. The Drafting Board

The strange magic seller

on 2022-10-16 13:07:04
Episode last modified by Chompy on 2022-10-16 16:32:09

408 hits, 52 views, 2 upvotes.

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The colours, sights and sounds drew people closer like a moth to a flame. What was this congregation that inspired such passions, emotional highs, expectations and desires?

An anime convention, of course.

It was a large exhibition with lots of fun games, videos, comics, just about everything that could excite someone who liked such media. It drew people of all ages, in the hundreds. There was even a food court showing new ingredients for people to try. People weaved and moved around to look at the new toys or browse the wares that were on offer.

Though there was something a little different and perhaps ‘unusual’ about this convention. The spark of magic… real actual magic existed here. Hidden in plain sight… a booth just ‘magically’ appeared, with a simple shimmer rippling into existence.

Nobody noticed.

To the people around, it had always been there.

The lady inside started to set up shop, placing a few curious items on display. She was quite unassuming, though one might realise she was also very ‘short’ in stature akin to a child. She had dark black hair, going down to her shoulders and wore a simple dress with a white top that covered her small breasts, and a dark black dress underneath. Tanned skin that looked to have been on many journeys could be seen though it was hard to tell what nationality she might have. For some reason nobody was all that bothered by her odd size being barely three feet tall. Maybe she was a kind of dwarf? Though her stature seemed quite… natural to her.

The woman had a large bag and began to place her goods on the shelf… various items that night had come from a fantasy dungeon, somewhere the far future, the deepest past or realms of magic… with an act of finality she placed an hourglass, which looked to be counting down something.

“Well, I wonder who our first customer will be…”

She glanced at the hourglass in thought, the sands of time trickled down.

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