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9. Auto Pilot

8. Andrew Tries Reason

7. Andrew Explores the Changes

6. Second Skin

5. Uh Oh

4. Incredibly Bad Timing

3. Breakfast

2. Smart Home Alone

1. The Drafting Board

Smart Home Alone: Auto Pilot

on 2022-10-16 23:25:48

460 hits, 61 views, 1 upvotes.

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The teen turned MaidBot clone only got a few steps before he felt another jolt, this one seemed more powerful than the previous one...last time, his legs had been remotely controlled...but this time...he went completely limp. Other than breathing and other basic functions, he couldn't move.

"MaidBot Zero-Two continues to malfunction. Formulating new repair strategy," the MaidBot said. "Establishing link to malfunctioning unit to assist in repair."

Andrew stood up ramrod straight. "MaidBot Zero-Two, ready for inspection," his mouth said, without him asking it to. Apparently, the solution the machine came up with was to control him like a video game character. "Ready to resume duties."

"Acknowledged, MaidBot Zero-Two," the MaidBot said.

He found himself back to cleaning, only now occasionally spouting phrases like, "Toilet cleaning complete. Moving to next task."

After a while, with Andrew essentially a passenger in his own body, he just zoned out, his mind wandering. His muscles were getting a workout, but he just kept working until each task was done. If someone were to stop by, all they'd see were two MaidBots working, and no signs of anything else.

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