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3. The Next Morning

2. I thought of this after listen

1. You Are What You Wish

An Unfriendly Reminder

on 2009-01-16 17:54:15

1655 hits, 78 views, 0 upvotes.

FTM FTP Inanimate MC MTF SciFi Super TF Unaware

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Jon's eyes shot open at the sound of his alarm clock.

"What? Where ..." He looked all around him, then settled down when he realized that he was safely in his bed. "Wow, that was some dream I had," he said, about to get out of bed and get ready for school.

But before he was able to, a hand appeared out of nowhere and grabbed his neck, pinning him down to his bed. The hand was wearing a red leather glove.

Jon choked, trying to pull the hand off.

"Don't forget our bet, boy," a voice suddenly said. Then the guy that was in Jon's dream materialized right before him, his arm connecting with the already visible gloved hand that was choking Jon.

"You ..." Jon wheezed.

"Remember what we agreed on, boy." The guy's voice was so raspy, so old. But his strength was unmatched. He leaned in towards Jon, whose skin was turning blue from lack of oxygen. Then he smiled, revealing a mouth full of crooked teeth. "Your soul is as good as mine."

Then he let Jon go and disappeared.

Jon inhaled deeply and fell into a coughing fit. As the color came back into his skin, he looked around the room.

That was certainly no dream.

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