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14. Derailed

13. Breakfast Again

12. Morning

11. Dreams

10. Rattling the Cage

9. Auto Pilot

8. Andrew Tries Reason

7. Andrew Explores the Changes

6. Second Skin

5. Uh Oh

4. Incredibly Bad Timing

3. Breakfast

2. Smart Home Alone

1. The Drafting Board

Smart Home Alone: Derailed

on 2022-10-21 14:06:15

373 hits, 48 views, 1 upvotes.

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He turned and went back to the stove to fetch the food, placing it in front of her. "Breakfast is ready. Please enjoy..."

She didn't even respond to him, and proceeded to ignore him entirely.

"I am designated Maidbot Zero One, if you require any further assistance," he said. "Wait...that is not my designation...My designation is..."

"Bring me another cup of juice," she said, interrupting his train of thought again.

Again having a task, Andrew's own thoughts were temporary pushed aside in favor of completing that task. He refilled the cup and put the juice away.

"Have you noticed..." he started again.

"I am done with these dishes," she said. And those dishes needed to be cleaned.

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