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4. Max’s turn

3. Identical twins who want to lo

2. Chronivac Version 4.0

1. The Drafting Board

Max’s turn

on 2022-10-21 21:21:55

294 hits, 53 views, 0 upvotes.

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“Come on Ricky it’s only fair, I’m the one who brought it and set it up” said Max.

Ricky thought about it and knew Max was right.

“Fine but it’s my turn afterwards and you better not turn me into a pigeon” said Ricky who crossed his arms.

Max got excited thinking of all the things he could do.

“Wait we don’t even know if this thing is even safe yet so try changing something inanimate first” said Ricky.

“Ok but I get another go after this because you told me to change something” said Max.

“Fine” said Ricky.

Max decided to change his plain baby blue t-shirt, he decided to add a picture of an eagle to the front of his t-shirt, Max clicked enter and looked down at his t-shirt which now had an eagle at the front.

“Look it works” said Max who pointed at the front of his t-shirt.

“Whoa, I almost thought it was too good to be true” said Ricky.

With the two now convinced of the Chronivac power, Max was ready to make his first change.

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