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3. First Real Test

2. A stunning realisation

1. You Are What You Wish

Mass Panic

on 2009-02-26 03:44:02

849 hits, 23 views, 0 upvotes.

Anthro Aware FTM FTP Musc

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I could do anything, know anything and go anywhere in the universe.

What shall be the first real test? I wondered to myself.

I walked to a window and looked out onto the neighborhood. "I think I'll make the sky ... pink." Suddenly the sky turned a bold pink color. People working on their lawns looked up at the sky with wide eyes. Cars stopped in the streets and their drivers gaped at the new sky, causing a traffic jam.

Hmm, I thought. It doesn't seem to change everyone's memories like the stone does.

I walked to the TV and changed the channel to a news program. The top story was the sky's sudden shift of color. Apparently, it was causing a mass panic ... worldwide.

Suddenly, I wasn't as interested in being all powerful. I didn't want to start a mass panic.

But maybe I could fix that. Maybe I could make people think the sky was supposed to be pink. I was omnipotent, right? I could do anything I wanted.

But would it be the right thing to do?

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