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3. Chupacabra

2. Paranormal investigation

1. You Are What You Wish


on 2009-03-07 16:40:10

665 hits, 4 views, 0 upvotes.

Animal Anthro Body Swap MC NBM Omni Part Swap Part Theft

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Jon thought for a few minutes. He reflected on all of the options that he had and decided that the Chupacabra was the best way to go.

He stood up and gripped the stone tightly. But before he wished for anything, he grabbed his camera. He wanted to make sure he had proof of its existence. After he was sure that he was all set, he made his wish.

"I wish that the Chupacabra would appear so I can take a picture of it," he said. The stone began to glow brightly, forcing Jon to shut his eyes. When he opened them, he saw a four-foot reptilian creature with gray scaly skin and sharp spikes running down its back. It stood upright and looked directly at Jon, occasionally sticking out its snake-like tongue.

Jon held up his camera and was about to take a picture, but the creature began to hiss at him. Then its eyes began to glow red. Was this really happening? How can eyes glow? That's ...

Jon suddenly grabbed his gut and collapsed to the floor. The creature began to screech an ungodly noise that Jon hoped he never heard again. Everything that was made of glass in his bedroom shattered.

Jon tried to get up, but he felt so nauseated. It must have been some sort of defense mechanism that the creature had. Like a skunk. And without any control, Jon vomited all over his floor.

When he looked back up, the creature was gone. Where did it go?

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