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3. Alien IV

2. Paranormal investigation

1. You Are What You Wish

Alien IV

on 2009-03-08 05:06:51

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Jon thought for a few minutes. He reflected on all of the options that he had and decided that an alien was the best way to go.

He stood up and gripped the stone tightly. And after he was sure he was all set, he made his wish.

"I wish I'd meet an alien," he said. "In my bedroom, right now."

He had to look away, as the stone's wish made him do, and then standing in front of him was... Karyn?

"Karyn, what are you doing here? I wished for an alien, not you."

Karyn looked like she had been caught. Then she said "Jon, I am an alien."


"I'm sorry that I've had to lie to you all these years, but I wasn't sure if I could tell you the truth. I wasn't sure how you'd react. But I guess the cats out of the bag. You know the truth now."

"Are you saying that you came from another planet before I knew you?"

"No another country." She sat down. "My family is from Ireland. When we came to this country, I was just a baby."

"Why'd you hide this from me" Jon asked confused.

"My dad had major debts he couldn't pay so my parents fled, or so I've been told. I've been waiting a long time to tell you this," Karyn said.

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