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3. Take the Plunge...

2. Do you want your heart's desir

1. You Are What You Wish

I was a girl...

on 2009-03-11 20:39:07

1289 hits, 43 views, 0 upvotes.

Body Swap FTM Inanimate Magic NBM Part Theft SciFi Size TF Unaware

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"I wish I was a girl."

There was a bright flash of light and Jon felt his body shift around in the meantime. His heartrate sped up in anticipation as he was almost afraid to look in his mirror after he felt the change occur. Hesitantly, he peeked one eye open, and let out a gasp when he saw his reflection.

He was exactly as he imagined he would look as a girl. Long blonde hair with light brown highlights streaked down it's length framed his face, hanging down to the middle of his back. His face was devoid of any blemish, and appeared to be a younger carbon copy of his mother, from the small downturned nose to the light blue eyes that looked back at him. Jon felt up and down his torso, cupping his rather large C-Cup breasts with his small, obviously feminine hands. He felt around his girlish hips and hesitantly touched the center of his new sex, flinching back when he felt an electric tingle course through his body.

The stone fell out of Jon's hands as he sank to his knees, nearly overcome with emotion and joy. He gazed around the room and saw that it too had changed to match its new occupant. His once barren walls were replaced with several photographs of his family, or at least he guessed his family. In the dark it was hard to make out there faces, but Jon could remember them with some degree of clarity. He gazed over at his closet, and saw next to it a vanity and makeup mirror decorated with even more pictures. He saw several outfits hanging in the closet, all of them feminine in nature.

Jon smiled and cried happy tears. He stood up and walked over to his bed...or rather her bed...and sleeped finally that night at peace with her new self. The last thought crossing her mind was to wonder how the rest of the world had changed to her, but decided that it could wait until morning...

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