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8. Further details

7. Karen teases Jon

6. Pushup bra

5. Showing Jon

4. Changing clothes

3. Magical breasts

2. A magical dresser

1. You Are What You Wish

Magical Dresser: Further Details

on 2022-11-07 16:06:34
Episode last modified by Cellda on 2022-11-07 17:00:27

1591 hits, 194 views, 2 upvotes.

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Jon still couldn't make eye contact, but he'd found his voice. "There was, uh..." He cleared his throat. "I didn't get a chance to tell you before you got changed, but you actually have a lot more control than just how they're supported. You can change anything about your boobs."

"Anything, huh?" Karen managed through her giggles

"Anything," Jon confirmed, finally lifting his head to look her in the eyes. He forced himself to hold eye contact. "I wanted to prank you a bit, so I, uh, pre-set an attribute for you to discover. Your, uh..." He searched for words. "Your nipples are on a hair trigger to get hard if you, uh," Jon gulped. "If you flirt with a guy you're into," he finished quietly.

Karen's eyes widened when she realized what Jon was implying. A quick look down confirmed her suspicion: her nipples were visibly poking through the red sweater. She crossed her arms over her chest. It was her turn to look away.

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