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25. Pick your battles

24. Flaw

23. Tipping the scales

22. Changing the balance

21. Simple fix

20. Something's bothering Karen

19. Preparations

18. Golden opportunity

17. Smash!

16. Friendly banter

15. Yes

14. Returning

13. Reflecting

12. Karen walks out

11. Jon's explanation

10. Karen is not happy

9. Popping the question

8. Further details

7. Karen teases Jon

6. Pushup bra

Magical Dresser: Pick Your Battles

on 2022-11-07 16:32:44
Episode last modified by Cellda on 2022-11-07 17:02:45

1323 hits, 175 views, 0 upvotes.

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As the fight dragged on her breasts continued to swell. At the 150% mark they were jostling around so wildly with her movements that they became distracting.

Jon was not immune to said distractions. They were well within his peripheral vision by now and a momentary lapse in focus allowed Karen to knock Jon out of where he'd turtled up and finally land the killing blow. His character flew straight up and exploded above the top of the screen. Karen had earned victory at 174% damage.

"Yes!" she exclaimed, jumping up from the bed and nearly causing her breasts to pop out of her top. "I won! In your face!" She started poking at his forehead, not quite touching him.

"They certainly are," he deadpanned.

Karen giggled and swatted at him again. "Yeah, I guess you got me there." She sat beside him again, leaning over to kiss his cheek. She blushed. "I guess we each won our chosen battle." She then rested her head on his shoulder.

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