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234. War Rally

233. 06-002's Group

232. Removing Balls

231. Adding Balls

230. 06-003's Group

229. Just Following

228. Kids in the Clan

227. Naming Them

226. More Halfbreeds

225. Fair Trade

224. The Funeral

223. The Battlefield

222. War Plans

221. End of Crisis

220. Unit 05470

219. Finding Help

218. Unit 04700

217. Escaping Clan Building

216. At War

215. Magnetic Clan

Getting Readyt to Sortie

avatar on 2022-11-10 14:53:35
Episode last modified by 1Ryguy1 on 2022-11-11 18:15:23

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I went over to join the rest of the clan as they were looking at a map. It was a simple enough plan. After the government had repelled both sides from the fight, the major syndicate and the clan were still heated. Both sides were going on with the indiscriminate violence. Minor skirmishes in the area were constant. Civilian casualties were high as a result. To quell the suffering of the NPC humans caught in the crossfire, the government had to respond. It essentially made the toxic transmissions hub's zone of influence and 3 sided conflict. With this being the case, it would not be too long until another battle popped off. We wanted one at the bank. That was here the hub was. If we could use the commotion of the fighting and blitz it, we could take it. Our 4 AEP units would then attempt to change the frequency towards the Researcher faction. However, that would leave Heat Clan open to a counter attack from Magnetic Clan. They were the ones at war with us. Paul proposed that we take the fight to both of them at once. 2 full frontal assaults on their transmission hubs. It would be brutal.

Maroon, Alex, Alexis, Sparks, Ryder, Lucy and Sunny were my favorite members. I made sure that they would still be in the base during the operations. Caleb and Greta would also stay as they were now pregnant with Mason's kids. My new kids with 06660 made sure that our clan had 8 extra fighters on our side. In order to turn the toxic transmission hub slightly faster, Sterling and Aubrey would go to the bank with 03-003 and 03-004. They had toxic organs. Robin, Tracie and Christopher would all be going to Magnetic Clan. I could either take my kids with 06660 to Magnetic Clan with them, or I could lead all of the other members at the bank. Paul and Brett said that with the giant 3-way war going on, it would need everyone that could go being there. The PEA units that could join parties would be going as well. Not my kids though. I made sure of that. They would stay behind. Keith would also be taking his child during the day, so it would not be there either. The members of the clan would be taking their X-frames for maximum effectiveness. The Archwings would allow them to fly in and out.

Doing all of the fighting would paint a massive target on our back. Not only would the Conqueror faction take strong notice, but the Players would too. The Sages might even get involved when they see the carnage that we unleash on the world. We were already in civil war, however. When we changed the toxic hub's frequency to our side, we would need to restart the Toxic Clan. We had 3 female toxic X-frames. We would only need some male ones to get us some full blooded AEP units. Both Finian and Erin were cops in town so they also could not take the day off. If things went well, that would leave Sparks and Finian as the new leaders of the clan. That still left us with Rosalyn, Claire, Barbara, Orange, Ashley, Katie, Jessica and Claudette along with the elder PEA units for the bank assault. That was a pretty stacked list. I hoped that it would be enough. All of the cyborgs were on board with the plan. If anything, it was the ones left behind that were grumbling. They all fell in line when 03-003 and 03-004 stared at them. "Faithful servants, it will be an honor to led you all into battle."

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