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236. Rookie Cop

235. Assault Magnetic

234. War Rally

233. 06-002's Group

232. Removing Balls

231. Adding Balls

230. 06-003's Group

229. Just Following

228. Kids in the Clan

227. Naming Them

226. More Halfbreeds

225. Fair Trade

224. The Funeral

223. The Battlefield

222. War Plans

221. End of Crisis

220. Unit 05470

219. Finding Help

218. Unit 04700

217. Escaping Clan Building

Laying Down the Law

avatar on 2022-11-10 14:57:18

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Animal Body Swap SciFi Unaware

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We barely got in their territory before several vans full of AEP units were driving up to us. When they got close enough, the opened fire on us. We had to duck and return fire. Using my cheat rifle, I was able to take out the drivers and delay them from coming after us as the vans veered off the road. I told Robin to keep driving towards the factory complex. This was just a distraction. Once we go to the factory, that would be the true battle. Lots of the PEP units were thrown our way. We had to fight hard to take every mile of ground towards the factory. They were also getting stronger and supplied with better equipment. It was no longer feasible to keep the bus. We got out just in time to avoid a rocket launcher. That was a close call. We were still several miles from the factory. This meant that we were going to have to make our way through the streets. The cops and government were alerted now. How could they not respond when cyborgs were blowing up buses on the highway. Things were going along. I could not say it was going well. We were getting scraped up, but I could heal all of my kids.

They had enough humanity in them for me to be able to use my magic on them. That was good for us. It took full in-game day to leave a gas station we found. They had us pinned down. The government also got involved with us and we had to fight them off too. Once we found a gap, we pushed through and escaped. We still had to get through the streets armed and bleeding all over the place. That made us huge targets. Only after sending massive columns of fire down in the path of the cops, did we find a path to the factory. That was only step one. Now we were in the heart of the beast. We had to destroy their toughest defenders and find their transmission hub. It could be a hard thing to find. There would be a good place for it to be if it was the same size as the one that Heat Clan used. It also might be hidden in a remote place. It was not something that I was looking forward to. Heat Clan hid theirs with a trapdoor under a bed for... some reason. 2 X-frames were scrambled, and we all had to fight them both. I was able to use cheat rifles to take them on. The others were able to help too.

I saw the X-frames go inoperable and the clan leaders got out of the back. We attacked and killed them as they tried to crawl away. There were more PEP units here, but the cops were also attacking everyone here. We needed to figure out a way to find the transmission hub. Each warehouse and assembly line had cyborgs ready to pop out like it was Vietnam. Cops were also pouring in from all sides. One of the police officers looked like a rookie. I had him in my sights after he tripped on a box. He was sprawled on the ground with his ass up in the air. It was so embarrassing that I could not actually kill him. Instead, I just groaned and helped him up. "Come on. You can't go snoozing on the ground." I said as I dusted him off. He tried to aim his gun at me. I just caught his arm and looked him in the eyes. "Listen. I'm a human." I showed him the wound in my arm that was red. He saw it and nodded. "You can't be here! There's a war going on here!" he said as he tried to pull me away. I held my ground. It was not something he could control. I said "Listen here rookie. I need you to listen to me."

He was wide eyed and scared himself. "I'm going to tell you something well above your paygrade, sir." He just nodded his head before looking around us in a panic. I did not blame him. It was a very high stress situation. I then broke down everything involving the war, PEP and AEP units and the transmission hub. The officer looked totally flabbergasted. "How do you know all of this!?" he demanded. I told him generally about my clan. "That means you're a terrorist!" he snapped. I slapped him upside the head. He winced and shut up. "Listen here. Magnetic Clan really wants to purge all human collaborators from the clans and help their faction take over the world. They'll destroy the world if given the chance. We need to find where the hub is. Get your buddies to stop attacking randomly and start searching for the hub. Once we get control of it, we can make it so all the PEP units in the region stop trying to take over the continent." He raised the radio in his hand. "Don't worry. They know." he said. I just smirked and said "Clever rookie. But PBJ Clan still wants it. That means it's a race."

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