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5. Mom?

4. intangible

3. Fitting In

2. Jon wants to Fit in

1. You Are What You Wish

An Inconvenient Truth

on 2022-11-11 15:27:25

1192 hits, 194 views, 5 upvotes.

Age Aware FTM FTP Inanimate Magic SciFi Unaware

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Suddenly, Jon heard the front door open, signaling that at least one parent has returned home from work. "It's probably mom, right? Dad said he had a departmental meeting today, so he had to stay late," you thought.

Jon immediately made his way downstairs to greet her return. He initially started to walk, but quickly realized that he was now light enough to hover, and he managed to glide down to the floor below. As much of a shock as it was being a ghost, Jon had to admit that the feeling of flight and weightlessness was somewhat refreshing, as if the physical burden had literally disappeared.

Reaching the foyer below, he saw his mom and another younger woman talking to each other. Judging from their business attire and gestures, they were probably discussing about tackling a current law case. As a senior lawyer, Jon's mom would frequently bring her associates back home to plan their next court visit. This time, it was a fairly young brunette with hair tied in a loose ponytail flowing down to her hips, a pair of bright hazel green eyes, and smooth complexion. Her looks were beautifully tidied together by her neat navy blue suit, dark pantyhose, and black heels. The teal blouse she wore underneath was fairly low cut, revealing much of her pearl white skin. If only her bust was just slightly bigger...

Jon quickly shook his head. He knows that he should not be gawking at the newest beautiful woman to walk into this house, even although his new ghostly powers allow him to do so undetected. He floated closer to his mom, waving his arms to get her attention. Unfortunately, his actions continue to go unnoticed, as if Jon was an inflatable tube man for a generic auto dealership. She continued to converse with her young partner, smiling and gesturing in a lively conversation. Jon didn't give up, knowing that he had to get someone's attention, and mom seemed like the most logical target right now, given her seniority.

However, Jon's focus on his mother caused him to be careless of his surroundings, as he not unaware that the young lawyer stepped up as if heading into the living room. The moment she stepped up, Jon felt a suction pressure, as he was getting pulled towards the young woman. Of course, he was taken by surprise, and quickly struggled to get out of her way. But the pressure was too great, and Jon found himself swallowed into the woman's chest. Jon closed his eyes, expecting a hard impact, but he was only greeted a warm, toasty feeling. It was like a warm embrace from his mother, except that it wasn't. Jon's vision has remained pitch black, and he seemed like he has lost all senses with the world. Did he die? Was this the heaven that people have always spoke about?

Perhaps as a sign that it wasn't his time yet, Jon suddenly felt a cold rush on his face, as if someone splashed cold water on him to wake him up. It was very effective, as Jon was instantly jolted back to his home again. The beige walls, myriad of plants, and elegant décor of his house had returned with his vision. He felt "alive", as he regained the physicality of his senses that he lacked as a ghost. However, the initial relief was quickly replaced with confusion, as Jon noticed that things were not the way they should be. For starters, why was he seeing strands of long brown hair running across the side of his vision? His head now felt heavier as well. His chest also felt like it gained several pounds in weight, and his feet felt like they were on stilts. Also, the smell felt foreign, as Jon attributed it to some perfume from an expensive name brand. It was something no one used in this household, including Zoe, who would be most likely one to use such a product. As Jon was coming to grips with his reality, he felt a hand on his shoulder. Turning to the source, he saw his mom giving him quite the concerned look. "Ruby, are you ok?' she asked softly.

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