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3. One turned into a fairy

2. One classroom changes forever.

1. The Drafting Board

Unexpected Transformation: Fairy!

on 2022-11-11 17:54:10

377 hits, 54 views, 3 upvotes.

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Edward and Damien were good friends in that class… Edward was a guy who enjoyed video games, and more or less ‘geeky’ pursuits. He seemed to have a passion for retro games, though not many liked that. Still, he liked to collect them. He was not unlike many other people here. He aspired to be a computer programmer… and hoped to learn enough of that art someday to make his own games. Slightly greasy black hair and perhaps a few pimples with glasses, he wasn’t that bad looking.

Damien was more into sports. Like Edward, he had black hair but was taller and slightly darker skinned. He didn’t want to play sports as his profession though, it was just something he enjoyed watching. He liked being fit though wasn’t heavily muscled, he was however tall and lean. Damien wasn’t too sure ‘what’ to be… but he fancied the idea of working in retail. It was not exactly an aspiring job, but it would give him the most time to enjoy other pursuits he felt.

Neither of them was to know what was about to happen at exactly 09:17 during registration. Edward wasn’t even sure quite ‘what’ happened or what he was talking about… he was just quietly playing a handheld game… without anyone noticing…

…when suddenly, the screen became super huge- and he had fallen somehow ‘on’ the console. “Oh- what the … HECK!?”

He didn’t have time to really digest what happened to him as he stared at the scene around him. Somehow the entire classroom had become a room filled with giants! In the teacher’s place stood this furry cat-woman… and he thought he saw the weird flick of a tail that looked like it belonged to a giant snake.

“What happened!” he heard a girl’s scream- she appeared to be dressed as some kind of Victorian style maid? She seemed to be poking at her breasts…

A guy seemed to be in confusion at having a grey tail behind him, looking to be some kind of wolf- although he also ended up a rather adorable three feet tall. He was shaking in fear at the sensations.

“S-Settle down class!” The cat-woman demanded not that she could stop the sheer chaos of people running, screaming and a few leaving whatever… had caused this. One poor medusa girl started running and screaming “Snakes in my hair snakes in my hair!” as she left.

Damien had his- or rather ‘her’ own issues, having turned into some kind of… demon girl?! She had strange red skin, almost shiny as if she was wearing latex. Unlike everyone else, her transformation didn’t come with clothes- but a distinct ‘lack’ of them. She was currently crouched under her desk in sheer embarrassment.

Of course, Edward finally got a look at him… herself. She found slender arms.. elfin ears on her head. She apparently only stood about six inches tall, no bigger then the hand of a normal human adult. She felt strange gossamer wings behind her back akin to an insect, as well as antenna of some sort on her forehead. She was wearing a very cute white dress and apparently… barefoot. Blue eyes and blonde hair, wrapped in pigtails that seemed to defy gravity with an upswept motion.

“…and that’s how it happened,” Edward explained to the man with the clipboard.

Like everyone else, she had been placed in some kind of quarantine room in a hospital. Though hers at least was… spacious. She wondered how everyone else was doing. How could her life be changed so… instantly? She looked down at her arms… and legs… she could almost think she was just a small human if not for the very slight tingle of her wings and strange sensation of the antenna tickling her white hair.

The doctor, or scientist, or perhaps government person, calmly took some notes… as the little fairy explained everything she saw. There was of course, no useful information. “I see…” he nodded.

“So... can I go home now?” She sighed. She just wanted to go home and sulk for a while.

The man flipped through to another piece of paper. “In… three weeks? We need to see if you have a virus-“

“Come on why? What’s the point of that!” Edward demanded. “You honestly think a virus did this to us?!” She wanted to scream and stamped her foot. Not that it looked intimidating at all.. she was just a little Tinkerbelle to them. Looking up at all these people was giving her a serious neck cramp.

The man looked apologetically. “We just need to… run some tests… we’ve got a lot of strange… symptoms to examine.” He said calmly. “Your parents are also here to see you, by the way.”

The fairy blinked as if… that was far worse than the transformation itself. “…great.” Edward was not looking forward to that. She had seen how her classmates’ parents had reacted in every conceivable way to the changes. Most were relieved their children were okay… but there were some that flat out disowned them. Others were very confused and just started crying, as if their child were already dead- some reacted violently, saying it was a trick or something…

…how would her own parents react to a tiny fairy claiming to have once been their son? She wouldn’t believe her… The young fairy girl didn’t know how her own parents would react to her own change… and even she right now was just going through the motions. She was in a state of shock, that was persisting in her. She felt kind of… numb about the whole thing.

“Well, we’ll let them see you first through the one way mirror… so hopefully they won’t be too upset okay?”

She glanced at that mirror, reflecting her own body… and imagined everyone staring at her…

… a mere object of curiosity.

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