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94. Back at Karyns

93. Trevor gets home

92. Biff arrives at Karyns

91. Trevor dreams

90. Karyn gets ready

89. Jon tries to talk to Karyn

88. Sharon bumps into Biff

87. Biff takes a quick detour

86. Karyn brings Jon home

85. Biff's Sexual Tension

84. Ladies room

83. Jon and Biff at the mall

82. Trevor at the mall

81. Trevor faces the day

80. Trevor wakes again

79. Biff and Jon get up and out

78. Trevor's Breakfast

77. Biff's night in

76. Trevor gets home

75. Trevor heads home

Back at Karyns

on 2022-11-11 19:36:38
Episode last modified by belchest on 2022-11-12 04:53:20

614 hits, 110 views, 1 upvotes.

Anthro Herm MTF Musc SciFi TF Unaware

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Biff had just finished changing Jon's diaper when Karyn announced that dinner was ready. Biff handed Jon to Karyn and said he just wanted to freshen up before dinner. Karyn told Biff where the bathroom was and carried Jon over to the table. Jon saw plates with juicy steaks on them and started to salivate. He also saw an open bottle of wine and jokingly said to Karyn, "You're really going all out to try to impress Mommy, aren't you Karyn?" Karyn didn't understand anything Jon said but she replied positively, pretending they were having a conversation. She strapped Jon into a booster seat at the table and put a plate in front of him. Jon was disappointed to see he wasn't getting steak. Instead his plate had some plain looking vegetables cut into small pieces and instead of wine he was given a sippy cup with juice in it.

Meanwhile Biff was sitting on the toilet peeing. He had always prided himself on how confident he was with girls but this felt very different. He was the one being perused by Karyn now and he knew from how she was looking at him what she was hoping for. He had to admit he was enjoying it. It was nice to feel desired and his feminine urges had been growing stronger lately. As he sat there he looked down at the skirt and panties pooled around his ankles. He was glad he had worn a nice pair of panties as he was fairly sure that Karyn would be seeing them later. Biff took some toilet paper and wiped the tip of his penis before standing up and flushing the toilet. He pulled the panties back up his smooth legs and tucked his penis back inside them. Then he pulled the skirt up and over his hips and pulled the zipper up the side, setting it in place.

He washed his hands at the sink and took some time to look at his reflection. He knew he was physically male but he couldn't help but feeling pretty. He pulled a tube of lipstick out of his purse and leaning forward he reapplied it to his lips. As he did he saw the lacy outline of his bra under the blouse he was wearing. He opened the top two buttons, exposing his chest slightly. He was a bit disappointed that he didn't have any actual breasts but he knew that to Karyn he was all woman and he knew the exposed skin would turn her on. He went back out to join Karyn and Jon. As he walked over he saw Karyns eyes lingering on his chest and knew his idea had worked.

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