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3. More then a little girl

2. Asking for help

1. You Are What You Wish

Jon is talking to himself

on 2009-04-15 23:50:59

793 hits, 39 views, 0 upvotes.

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The girl who was about ten and wore a frilly yellow dress with a round blue neclase walked closer to Jon.

"How why?" Jon said confused

"Let me explain, I was helping out a man named Victor" She said as she began to change.

She grew from 4ft5 past Jons own 5ft7 to 6ft11, She bulked out becomeing well defined and her face morphed to an older Jons, her long straight blond hair grew into a dingy silver main, the painties buldged out as corse body hair coverd "him", the cloths didn't change or grow they just tore.

"I wonder the world helping people, Victor is dieing and not wanting me to save him I took the form of his dead child to comfort him." Said the old John (Let's call him John to prevent a mix up)

Jon was stuned, this was better then he hoped for when he made his wish.

"Could you do something about your cloths" Jon said averting his gaze.

John realised what he was wearing ans shifted his cloths, He now was dressed in faded jeanes flip flops and a cloke, he caried a staff with a larger blue orb in it.
"You see I made a lot of mistakes to get to be who I am know, I lost the stone long ago" John said

"Lost how?" Jon asked

"It was destroyed but I got my magic staff around the same time, It's magic is diferent, It's only as strong as the weilder is good" John said

"So that's why you go around helping people, but what about those cloths?" Jon asked

"I just think this looks cool, and don't get me wrong I don't do good just becouse of the staff I feel I must" John said

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