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6. Ash is staying in the guest ro

5. Head for Hoenn

4. May or Caroline

3. Lookalike

2. Ash's Metamorphosis

1. The Drafting Board

Ash is staying in the guest room

on 2022-11-13 12:56:39

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The walk that followed was quite brisk, with their destination quickly coming into view.

"Make yourself at home, Ash." Caroline explained as she opened the door, letting both of them in. "Oh. I should probably show you your room."

With that, she led Ash down the hall and over to the first door on the left.

"This is your room." she continued. "Let me get you your new outfit."

Ash nodded and opened the door. Inside, he found himself in a guest room of sorts. In time, maybe he would make it his own.

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