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11. Continue

10. Getting to Work

9. Cleaning

8. Ash goes and finds Caroline

7. Caroline brings Ash some of he

6. Ash is staying in the guest ro

5. Head for Hoenn

4. May or Caroline

3. Lookalike

2. Ash's Metamorphosis

1. The Drafting Board

The actual cleaning

on 2022-11-13 13:03:25

216 hits, 24 views, 0 upvotes.

Animal Aware FTM FTP Herm Musc Omni TF

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When they got started, the actual cleaning wasn't so bad for both Ash and Caroline. If anything, it was actually kind of fun to do.

"Good to see you're enjoying this, Ash." Caroline explained, trying to decide upon a different name for her future lookalike. "How does calling you Carol sound to you?"

Ash stopped his sweeping.

"I would be fine with that." Carol answered, taking a liking to his new name. It had a nice ring to it. So he got back to sweeping while Caroline wiped down cabinets. To some extent, he could get used to this. Cleaning had a sort of rhythm that was much like battling to an extent. Unlike battling, it was a lot more peaceful in that regard. Over time, victory and defeat blended together in a swirl of neverending heartbreak. "Anything is better than Ash at this point."

He meant it to an extent. Especially in regards to all that had happened.

"Your welcome, sis."

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