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14. Showering away the Ash

13. Planting the seeds

12. Lunch

11. Continue

10. Getting to Work

9. Cleaning

8. Ash goes and finds Caroline

7. Caroline brings Ash some of he

6. Ash is staying in the guest ro

5. Head for Hoenn

4. May or Caroline

3. Lookalike

2. Ash's Metamorphosis

1. The Drafting Board

Showering away the Ash

on 2022-11-13 13:06:55
Episode last modified by DigiConjurer on 2022-11-13 13:07:21

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Making a beeline to the shower, Carol made sure to strip all the way down.

"Stupid thing." she thought, catching the briefest glimpses of her body. Clearly, she was a woman trapped in a man's body. Not even a nice-looking man's body at that. But instead, a pathetic man's body.

Nonetheless, she turned the water on and let it hit her flat chest.

"I am Carol, sister to Caroline." she told herself. "Both May and Max see as their second mother, while Norman begrudgingly accepts my presence."

Just saying it made her feel better - just a little less like Ash. It felt... amazing.

"I am Caroline's sister."

More of Ash washed away.

"I am her children's second mother."

More Ash faded from her head. In it's place, was Carol. Like it should be. Especially when she began using Caroline's soap and beauty products on her body.

"I feel so much better." she thought, bright smile on her face as she turned the water off and toweled her body off. One day she would be just like her sister. But not yet.

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