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3. male (sort of) karyn

2. karen the man?

1. You Are What You Wish

She's a man... sort of

on 2009-10-06 14:59:24

1132 hits, 34 views, 0 upvotes.

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Karyn let out a scream as she felt her shoulders and chest broaden, her arms grow stronger and more muscular, her jawline grew wider, her eyes smaller, stubble formed on her chin, her hips narrowed while her waist widened. Her lags, hands, and feet grew more manly, and she felt a bulge forming between her legs.

However her wish for breasts and long hair could not be undone, Jon looked over at her in shock, she looked like this.

"Jon why'd you do this to me, you made me a big, hairy.... thing!" Karyn cried out in a mix of shock and despair

"It's called being a man", Jon said, "and I made a mistake, honest, I didn't mean to change you. Look on the bright side though, you still have your hair and breasts so it could be worse."

"I look like a FREAK!" Karyn cried out, "How could it be worse".

"well, for one your tits still looks feminine, you could have been left with big hairy man boobs without contradicting the wish."

"ewww!" karyn said, picturing huge flabby moobs on her body. "I guess I am lucky to still have female breasts then."

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