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16. Going shopping

15. More questions than answers

14. Carla looks like an elderly wo

13. Carla's first steps

12. Carla wants to look like a mot

11. Carla is enjoying this

10. Carla's new routine

9. Getting Carla ready, the rest

8. Getting Ash dressed

7. May wants to dress Ash up as h

6. Walking to Littleroot Town

5. Head for Hoenn (Alt)

4. May or Caroline

3. Lookalike

2. Ash's Metamorphosis

1. The Drafting Board

Going Shopping

on 2022-11-15 11:54:29

114 hits, 9 views, 0 upvotes.

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Thankfully, it didn't take long to get Carla out of the plastic surgery place. Even that did mean having to watch the now elderly woman get into an outfit designed for someone clearly far younger than her.

"Let's get you some proper clothes." May announced, taking care to lead Carla in the direction of the shopping center. While the coordinator was certain the elderly woman knew where it was, it definitely be better if they both went. Thankfully, it didn't take them particularly long to get there. "For now, let's get you a bunch of stuff that fits an elderly lady like you."

Carla let out a sigh. While she got where May was coming from, that didn't change the fact that she felt conflicted on this. While the plan had been to make her older, she hadn't wanted to be this old. But for now, she would need to work with that.

Their first stop was that of a lingerie store. By no means Carla's first pick, she got the feeling that May didn't really care right now. Especially with the way everyone else looked far younger than her. Nor was that helped by the attendant choosing a variety of granny undergarments for her.

Once that was paid for, it was on to their next destination - a regular clothing store. Of course, May wasn't going to let her wear anything that didn't make her look like some kind of elderly woman.

"What do you think?" she announced, stepping out in a floral housecoat and heels. By no means the shameful outfit she had put on in this short timeframe, it was up there.

"I like it." May announced and walked over to Carla. Taking a moment to look the price tag over, her focus turned back to the elderly woman. "Let's check out."

Thankfully, that particular part of the process actually went smoothly. Grabbing all the bags they had, Carla thought they were going somewhere else. But in fact, May was leading her back home.

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