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19. Finding her inner Grandma

18. Carla accepts her fate

17. Heading home

16. Going shopping

15. More questions than answers

14. Carla looks like an elderly wo

13. Carla's first steps

12. Carla wants to look like a mot

11. Carla is enjoying this

10. Carla's new routine

9. Getting Carla ready, the rest

8. Getting Ash dressed

7. May wants to dress Ash up as h

6. Walking to Littleroot Town

5. Head for Hoenn (Alt)

4. May or Caroline

3. Lookalike

2. Ash's Metamorphosis

1. The Drafting Board

Finding her inner grandma

on 2022-11-15 11:56:35

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As it would turn out, there was a massive difference between deciding to be a grandma and actually being a grandma. While Carla had been aware of that fact, she hadn't expected everything to be this challenging. Her expectation had been more of a gradual build-up that she slowly conquered one task at a time.

"Ugh!" Carla announced, trying her best to keep her voice to the appropriate sound level expected of an old woman. Somehow, she was always too loud or too quiet. The least of her worries, her hands missing her hair yet again with the dye. She was trying to get it all gray, but the results were less than desirable. Kind of like everything else she was trying to do right now.

"Everything alright in there, Grandma?" May called out as she entered the room. Part of her still would've preferred her 'grandmother' to go back to being her mother, but she appreciated the amount of effort Carla was trying to put into this. Contrary to what the grandmother thought, she was very much making progress. Slow progress, but still progress in her eyes.

"No, I can't get the hair looking right." Carla countered and looked away from the mirror. From May's angle, the gray that her grandmother was trying to put in had managed to looked more like spots than one consistent coat. How Carla had managed that, she wasn't sure. "Can you help me here?"

May nodded and got to work. Carefully massaging the hair dye into her grandmother's hair, it felt quite good. Not that the coordinator would ever admit it. Especially once she had completed everything else necessary to making Carla into a proper grandmother.

"How are you feeling?" she inquired and watched Carla shift slightly. Hopefully that was a happy expression, the last of the dye now spread out into Carla's locks. While not the last time they would need to do this, it was decent start of sorts. "Good. There's a place that I want to take you."

Carla lit up. While she wasn't sure what May had in mind, it had to help with her goal of becoming a grandma.

Where does May take Carla?

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