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34. Carla does well, surprising he

33. Ms Davis's kids decide to visi

32. Carla falls into a new routine

31. Head back to her room

30. Trying to decide what to do ne

29. Breakfast Time

28. Carla gets a tour

27. Carla takes her up on the offe

26. Talk to the woman

25. Carla explores her new surroun

24. Carla puts them in

23. Carla wakes up in her new quar

22. Carla is mistaken for a person

21. Carla does surprisingly well

20. To a knitting group

19. Finding her inner Grandma

18. Carla accepts her fate

17. Heading home

16. Going shopping

15. More questions than answers

Carla does well, surprising herself

on 2022-11-15 12:09:27

103 hits, 9 views, 0 upvotes.

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Carla let out a deep breath.

"Emily, Kayla, Billy, it's so nice to see you!" she announced and watched her 'grandchildren' focus on her. Swarming her with relative ease, a group hug followed. Breaking away right after, it felt good.

"How have you been, Grandma?" Billy announced and Carla focused on him. Part of her wanted to lie and say alright, but that just left the matter vague and less than helpful in her situation. Instead, she would need to be truthful as possible for both their sake.

"Quite well. The nursing home has been quite a step up, I must say." Carla announced, her tone and voice coming across as the perfect elderly woman. Mannerisms matching that persona to a T, the elderly woman let herself relax. She was with her family. Things were going to be alright. "How have you three been?"

Emily stepped forward.

"I've gotten myself a girlfriend. I had wanted to take her to see you, but something came up to prevent me from doing so." Emily explained and Carla nodded. She was so happy one of her granddaughters had found someone who loved her. Didn't matter in her mind that it was girl rather than a guy.

"I would love to meet her some day. She could even meet my girlfriend." Carla continued and looked over to Kayla. Looking away, the sound of muttering escaped her lips. "How about you Kayla?"

Kayla's gaze swiveled to meet her grandmother's gaze. Taking a moment to compose herself, a neutral expression hung to her face.

"I'm planning on becoming a pokemon trainer." Kayla explained, Carla's expression shifting ever so slightly. While that felt familiar to her, she couldn't place where or really even why. Returning to her smile, that was a very close call.

"That sounds like fun. Do be careful, though." Carla explained and watched Kayla nodded. Turning to Billy, she bent down to be on his level. "Now how have you been?"

Billy jumped up and down a couple times.

"Great, Grandma! I'm having so much fun. I hope you're having as much fun as me." Billy announced and stopped jumping. Looking over to his sisters, Emily had her poketech out. Raised up to her ear, that had to be her mother (Carla's daughter). Judging by the tone, they weren't allowed to go see her.

"Grandma, we need to go. We'll try to visit soon." Emily announced and Carla nodded. Taking the time to kiss each of her grandchildren, she watched them walk away.

"Aw. It's nice to know that your family is nice enough to come and see you." Elizabeth greeted and Carla nodded. Reaching out to her to her girlfriend's hand, the couple headed for the cafeteria.

Life continues on...

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