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36. Carla's appointment goes less

35. Carla has a doctor's appointme

34. Carla does well, surprising he

33. Ms Davis's kids decide to visi

32. Carla falls into a new routine

31. Head back to her room

30. Trying to decide what to do ne

29. Breakfast Time

28. Carla gets a tour

27. Carla takes her up on the offe

26. Talk to the woman

25. Carla explores her new surroun

24. Carla puts them in

23. Carla wakes up in her new quar

22. Carla is mistaken for a person

21. Carla does surprisingly well

20. To a knitting group

19. Finding her inner Grandma

18. Carla accepts her fate

17. Heading home

Carla's appointment goes less than spectactularly

on 2022-11-15 12:11:53

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Getting led to the area of the Nursing Home where the doctor's were located, Carla felt on edge. They were clearly going to realize this deception and then kick her out. She just knew it. Yet, it was still a good idea to play along and hope for the best.

"The doctor will see you soon." the nurse cooed in an almost sing-along voice, handing Carla a patient gown to wear in place of her usual clothes. Closing the door, that was the grandmother's cue to strip down. Setting the clothes she had been wearing off to the side, Carla wasted little time in getting the patient gown on.

"Ms Davis, I'll be doing the doctor doing your checkup today." a voice announced as a female doctor entered the room. A younger woman, she was dressed in a doctor coat and heels. Blonde hair on full display, she was very beautiful. A different kind from hers, of course. "To start out with, let me begin with your vision."

Pulling out a remote, the doctor pressed on of the buttons. Carla looked to her left, getting met with an eye chart. Staring at it for a couple seconds, she found it to be all blurry. Somehow, the letters were all a challenge to read. Try as Carla might to figure out what might be causing that, the grandmother found her mind coming up with a complete blank. Part of her wanted to believe that this test was a fluke, but she knew better.

"Miss, I am unable to see anything." Carla announced and watched the doctor write something down. Clicking her remote, a set of headphones came down in place of the eye chart. Not even giving the doctor a chance to explain what she needed to do, Carla put the headphones over her ears. At first, she could clearly hear the sounds (even if they were touch louder than they actually were), but that eventually gave way to silence. Looking over to the doctor, she got a confused glance. Mouth opening up, no words seemed to come out. "Why now..."

Letting a deep breath, Carla pulled the headphones off. That was when all the sound came to her, all at once. Absolutely overpowering, it brought with it one hell of a headache. Raising a wrinkled hand to her head, that was all the doctor needed to see.

"Ms Carla, I'm going to suggest that you get a pair of glasses and a new set of hearing aids. On top of that, I would like to prescribe you something to help with your headaches." the doctor explained and handed Carla a slip. Try as she might to read it, the slip looked like torchic scratch. "Take this to the pharmacy. The pharmacists there should be able to help you with everything."

With that, the doctor exited the room.

Does Carla comply?

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