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38. Carla visits Elizabeth

37. Carla complies

36. Carla's appointment goes less

35. Carla has a doctor's appointme

34. Carla does well, surprising he

33. Ms Davis's kids decide to visi

32. Carla falls into a new routine

31. Head back to her room

30. Trying to decide what to do ne

29. Breakfast Time

28. Carla gets a tour

27. Carla takes her up on the offe

26. Talk to the woman

25. Carla explores her new surroun

24. Carla puts them in

23. Carla wakes up in her new quar

22. Carla is mistaken for a person

21. Carla does surprisingly well

20. To a knitting group

19. Finding her inner Grandma

Carla visits Elizabeth

on 2022-11-15 12:13:28

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Even in the face of her partial blindness, Carla headed in the direction of Elizabeth's room. While there were a couple of close calls with her fellow residents, the grandmother made quick time to her destination. Reaching Elizabeth's room, she took the opportunity to knock on her girlfriend's door.

"There y-" Elizabeth started, catching a glimpse of Carla's state as she opened the door. Opening it further, that was Carla's cue to step inside and take a seat on the bed. Felt quite good.

"Yeah. The doctors had some things for me." Carla answered and let her hands fall into her lap. Prescription still cradled within, she focused on Elizabeth once more.

"Honestly, I think you look even more beautiful now than you were before going in." Elizabeth cooed, watching her girlfriend turn red. "A date in a couple days?"

Carla nodded.

"I would love that." the grandmother answered and plopped a kiss right on Elizabeth's lips. Catching her girlfriend by surprise, she had a feeling that Elizabeth didn't mind.

Fast forward to the date?

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