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12. Continued practice

11. Julia does poorly

10. Walk like me

9. Julia

8. Pretend to be Johanna

7. Johanna gets Ash some of her c

6. Ash is staying in the guest ro

5. Heading to Sinnoh

4. Dawn or Johanna

3. Lookalike

2. Ash's Metamorphosis

1. The Drafting Board

Getting into step

on 2022-11-15 13:03:54

115 hits, 11 views, 0 upvotes.

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The next couple hours blasted right on by for both Julie and Johanna. While the former's steps were at first clumsy, she was beginning to get used to the weight on her chest. Sure, that was translating into a more feminine sort of walk.

But this was still not enough for Johanna. Far from it, in fact. No, once she was done with Julia, their walk would be an exact match of her's. There was sadly a limit to the number of attempts.

"Is this good enough, sis?" Julia inquired, getting a nod from the mother. This attempt was her best and perhaps the closest that came to Johanna's walk.

"Of course."

What's the next step in Julia's training?

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