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16. Getting things ready

15. Shower pondering

14. Julia did well

13. Look like me

12. Continued practice

11. Julia does poorly

10. Walk like me

9. Julia

8. Pretend to be Johanna

7. Johanna gets Ash some of her c

6. Ash is staying in the guest ro

5. Heading to Sinnoh

4. Dawn or Johanna

3. Lookalike

2. Ash's Metamorphosis

1. The Drafting Board

Getting things ready

on 2022-11-15 13:09:27

116 hits, 9 views, 0 upvotes.

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While her sister showered, Johanna's attention was on getting stuff in order. While lying to her daughter was not something she was proud to do, it was sometimes necessary.

But right now, she was getting a couple set of her clothes ready. That way, Julia would have something to wear that wasn't her old clothes. At least till the pair could get some proper outfits.

"I do love how much effort Julia is putting in." Johanna thought, carefully folding up the outfit for later. Adding that one to the pile. her attention turns to the clothes.

While she had sometimes debated the idea of handing this stuff down to Dawn, she always pushed that idea away. Nothing good could really come from that. She would need to find her own path. Whether that took the form of doing more contests, or doing

"How am I going to tell her about Ash?" she thought, looking towards the picture of them. While taken recently, Dawn had... changed for lack of a better word. There was a way she had began to look at her was not quite the same as it used to be. While there was a bond there, did the coordinator want something more out of it?

Taking a deep breath, Johanna returned to folding.

Back with Julia...

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