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7. Dressing up

6. Misty

5. To Cerulean City

4. Misty or one of her sisters

3. Lookalike

2. Ash's Metamorphosis

1. The Drafting Board

Dressing up - Misty Edition

on 2022-11-15 13:42:24

166 hits, 21 views, 0 upvotes.

Age Aware Body Swap Herm MTF NBM Omni SciFi Size Super

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Ash stripped all the way, taking the time to throw those clothes in the trash. After he was all made up, then his future sisters could dispose of that stuff. It was easier that way.

His attention then turned to the room itself. Between the sea theme and the pokedolls that Misty had won back in that princess contest, it looked like a pretty standard girl's room. Sure, Misty's sisters had brought in a vanity and a girly dresser. But it was still clearly the room of the tomboy mermaid.

"Are you alright in there, Ash?" Daisy announced as she knocked on the door. For the moment, the trainer paid it little mind and focused in on the undergarments. Panties came first. A little tight, but Ash could get used to them. Then the bra. Or lack of one really.

"Huh..." he thought, slipping Misty's usual shirt on over his head. Pulling it down, the suspenders and shorts were up next. Why exactly she didn't just get herself a belt was beyond Ash. Not that he didn't mind. It was more of a thought than anything. Then it was over to the mirror. Staring in, something felt missing for the 'gym leader'. "Maybe I should do my hair. That could help."

What does Ash do to this hair?

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