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18. Aqua reports for duty

17. She does

16. Put the uniform on

15. In a Team Rocket Base

14. Misty gets a surprise

13. Misty eats her breakfasts and

12. Misty remembers

11. Having breakfast

10. Misty gets a tour of the gym

9. Meeting up with his sisters

8. Does it up like Misty's

7. Dressing up

6. Misty

5. To Cerulean City

4. Misty or one of her sisters

3. Lookalike

2. Ash's Metamorphosis

1. The Drafting Board

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on 2022-11-16 12:02:29

109 hits, 9 views, 0 upvotes.

FTM Herm Inanimate Omni Unaware

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Not taking any time to think about it, Aqua made her way down.

"I wonder what they'll have me doing first." she thought, taking a left and finding herself in a large room. Much like everything else in this place, the room was a concrete rectangle with a terminal. "Here goes nothing."

Setting her hand down on the device, Aqua watched it light up. For the moment, she took a step back. Just on the small chance that maybe, just maybe it would blow up. Sadly, that was not the case.

"Choose your mission." the machine announced, bringing up all available options.

What is Aqua's first mission?

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