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15. Misty goes to feed the pokemon

14. Everything is normal

13. Misty eats her breakfasts and

12. Misty remembers

11. Having breakfast

10. Misty gets a tour of the gym

9. Meeting up with his sisters

8. Does it up like Misty's

7. Dressing up

6. Misty

5. To Cerulean City

4. Misty or one of her sisters

3. Lookalike

2. Ash's Metamorphosis

1. The Drafting Board

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on 2022-11-16 12:05:21

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Grabbing the bucket from the closet, Misty made her way over to the pool. Leaning over for the briefest of seconds, she took in the water pokemon under the surface.

"Eat up!" she announced, tossing some food in. The Seaking and Goldeen came up to the surface. Of course, along with the local Gyarados. Because of course he did. "Nice Gyarados..."

Of course, Gyarados wasn't in the mood to be nice. No, he was in the mood to drag his trainer right into the pool. The descent that followed was not something the gym leader was expecting to happening on her first day.

"Sis!" Lily announced, running up to the edge of the pool.

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