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5. Ash follows Jessie

4. Jessie

3. Lookalike

2. Ash's Metamorphosis

1. The Drafting Board

Following Jessie

on 2022-11-16 12:31:42

118 hits, 16 views, 0 upvotes.


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After saying that, Jessie headed off. Ash followed right behind, trying his best to match his future sister's stride. He wasn't quite there, but that could be fixed to an extent.

"So we're heading back to base, sis?" Ash inquired, Jessie just nodding. Currently, she was trying her best to decide what sort of sister she wanted. Should they be older than her? Younger? The same age as her. Creating such a person would require altering her own memories on top of the twerp's. How deep should she go? Red or Magenta hair?

"Yeah." Jessie verbally answered, Viridian City coming into view. At the edge, she ducked into the bushes. Ash complied, joining her here. "Okay. The coast is clear."

Her future sister gave a nod, heading off right behind her.

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