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9. Jessica is a perfect match

8. Jessie begins Ash's transforma

7. Taking the first step

6. At the base

5. Ash follows Jessie

4. Jessie

3. Lookalike

2. Ash's Metamorphosis

1. The Drafting Board

Like a mirror

on 2022-11-16 12:34:19

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Jessica's eyes shot open.

Her body felt like it was on fire, not helped one bit by the added weight to it from the changes.

"Sis?" she whispered, Jessie making her way over with one of those hand mirrors. "Is there something that I need to see?"

Jessie nodded.

While she could've gone the direct route here and told her sister about all the changes that had occured so far, this seemed like a far better option here.

"Oh my." Jessica answered, taking in her face. Everything was perfect. From the way her lips looked, to the shape of the eyes. Shifting the mirror to the right brought her gaze to her hair. While not quite long enough to match Jessie's, it was surprisingly close. "Anything else change?"

Jessie chuckled.

"Stand-up, sis." she explained and Jessica did so. While the newly twinned Jessie was a bit unsteady, she did eventually find her balance. Though now, she was now right at her sister's eye level. "Let's get you ready."

Jessica nodded.

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