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6. Positively

5. Ash talks to Delia

4. Delia

3. Lookalike

2. Ash's Metamorphosis

1. The Drafting Board


on 2022-11-16 12:37:58

137 hits, 17 views, 0 upvotes.

Age Animal Myth Omni Unaware

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For a few brief seconds, Delia stared at the wall. Part of her couldn't believe the words that had just come out of her son's mouth. There was no way that she could've heard that properly. For the longest time, his dream had been to become a pokemon master.

But then she looked into her son's eyes. What had once been filled with an excited glow for everything life had to offer were now faded and tired - as if the world had beat it out of him.

"If that is what you want, I'm willing to help you become just like me." Delia answered, a weight disappearing from Ash's mind. For a brief moment, the light seemed to return to his eyes. Something that his mother actually noticed. For a brief moment, a smile formed on her face. "Well, let's get started then."

Ash nodded, unsure on how exactly his mother would go about his transformation into her. There were so many that they could go about this, but what one would Delia pick?

How does Delia start Ash's transformation?

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