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8. "I like girls... a lot."

7. A new set of clothes

6. Positively

5. Ash talks to Delia

4. Delia

3. Lookalike

2. Ash's Metamorphosis

1. The Drafting Board

"I like girls... a lot."

on 2022-11-16 12:39:05

165 hits, 23 views, 0 upvotes.

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Denise looked away, debating how to answer her sister exactly. Sure, she had been receptive to this idea... but would this throw her off? Quite unlikely.

"I like girls... a lot." she answered and Delia's gaze shot on over. What looked to be a deep breath followed right after. But then another smile. Fixed right on her sister currently, she was happy for her. To be so confident with her own sexuality and admit that took quite some courage.

"Thanks for telling me." Delia answered as she helped her sister with buttoning up her blouse. While Denise had gotten it most of the way, the last button was kicking her butt. Once that was out the way, Delia helped her sister into a set of flats. Then it was right on over to the mirror. "What do you think?"

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