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6. Heading to Alola

5. Lusamine or Lillie

4. One of his Alolan friends?

3. Lookalike

2. Ash's Metamorphosis

1. The Drafting Board

Heading to Alola

on 2022-11-16 12:43:00
Episode last modified by DigiConjurer on 2022-11-16 12:43:24

129 hits, 15 views, 0 upvotes.

Aware FTP Inanimate MTF Magic Part Swap Part Theft Unaware

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Ash breathed a sigh of relief.

He had made it to Alola's only airport. It was frankly quite easy to book tickets and get on the first plane that he could.

"Now where would Lusamine be?" Ash thought and scanned arrivals. She had to be around here. He had even taken the time to message her ahead of this.

"Ash?" a voice called out and the trainer looked to his left. There, Lusamine was heading his way. Dressed in her normal attire, Lillie was nowhere to be found. "Welcome to Alola."

Ash nodded and let Lusamine grab hold of his hand.

What room will Ash be staying in?

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