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11. Lisa does well

10. Lusamine takes her subject to

9. Lusamine teaches Ash to walk i

8. Dressing up as Lusamine

7. Ash is staying in the guest ro

6. Heading to Alola

5. Lusamine or Lillie

4. One of his Alolan friends?

3. Lookalike

2. Ash's Metamorphosis

1. The Drafting Board

Lisa does well

on 2022-11-16 12:47:55

132 hits, 16 views, 0 upvotes.

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'Lisa' let out a sigh.

Of all the things that he was expecting to do right off the bat, a meeting very much was not on that list. Yet here he was, fending off a variety of questions aimed his way by board members.

"Are there any more questions for me?" Lisa inquired and watched the other meeting members shake their heads. Looking over to Lusamine, a smile now hung to her face.

"Good job, Lisa." Lusamine announced and reached out to her twin's hand. Grabbing hold, a squeeze followed. While it felt nice, it did little to diffuse the stress Lisa was feeling here. Perhaps a fun activity was needed here...

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