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9. Exploring the woods

8. Ash's wig becomes his natural

7. Follow Ash

6. Delia comes in

5. A fairy

4. A fantasy creature

3. Lifestyle Adjustment

2. Ash's Metamorphosis

1. The Drafting Board

Exploring the woods

on 2022-11-16 12:53:43

163 hits, 18 views, 0 upvotes.

Animal Body Swap FTM FTP Inanimate MC MTF Magic Myth Omni Part Swap Part Theft SciFi

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Now refreshed, Ash's attention turned to the forest he had chosen to stay in. Nice as it was, the fairy was going to need to find some form of food and water if he wanted to make a long-term living out here.

"Let's see now." Ash thought and scanned the area. Eventually, his gaze came upon a bunch of berry bushes. A variety of blue berries hung from their branches, awaiting picking. Heading over, the fairy took care to not disturb any part of the forest or the pokemon within. Last thing he needed was to wreck the forest. Especially when the goal of this was the opposite of that. Fairies took care of the forest, making sure that people and pokemon kept it in working order for generations to come.

Reaching out, he gave the branches a slight shake. The berries fell out, making it a breeze to collect. Eating a couple on the way back to the cave, Ash set them down in a neat and orderly pile. Should keep him alive for a couple days. Heck, if he was feeling adventurous, he could try cooking some of them. A thought for the future.

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