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4. Mewtwo Meddles

3. Visted by a Pokemon

2. Ash's Metamorphosis

1. The Drafting Board

Mewtwo Meddles

on 2022-11-16 21:14:27

280 hits, 37 views, 2 upvotes.

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In the dark of the night, the powerful form of the genetic pokemon, Mewtwo descended on Pallet, utilizing his telepathy to deflect the attention of any night owls that might mark his arrival. In truth, Mewtwo had been near Pallet for sometime, considering the trainer Ash Ketchum and his current impasse in life. Ash had been the catalyst for the creature's decision to abandon his plan for humanity's destruction and sent him on his quest of discovery, and he often revisited the young man to observe him from afar. Time and time again, Ash demonstrated the qualities of self sacrifice and devotion that had inspired him all those years ago. Mewtwo had even subtly helped the trainer on some of his many adventures, often when the world ended up being at stake. All in all, it was fair to say the largely cold and alien pokemon had a soft spot for this particular trainer, but also had a burning curiosity that had developed about him.

Did Ash demonstrate those qualities because he was Ash Ketchum of Pallet Town, or because of his intrinsic characteristics. That was to say, if the trainer had grown up elsewhere with a different background and a different name, would he still be the hero, or were those qualities merely the result of his background? That question was what motivated the creature as he descended on the dark haired trainer and delved into his mind. Hmm, it seemed Ash was also at an impasse of sorts... Perhaps Mewtwo could give him a nudge to explore one of his more outlandish ideas, and then smooth things along for him? It would be an interesting experiment... and he could always put things back in order when he'd gotten his results.

The genetic chimera's eyes shined blue and one of Ash's errant thoughts took deep root in his psyche; when he awoke the trainer would be driven to exchange his identity for another. Mewtwo shimmered and teleported to the outskirts of Pallet before closing his eyes to doze. Tomorrow, the grand experiment would begin.

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