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40. Chihiro In the House

39. Juro and Akita

38. Waking Up

37. Cold Feet

36. Akita and Natsuji

35. Some Progress

34. The Fitting

33. A Tradition

32. Marriage Proposal

31. Clan Mission 10

30. Mission Aftermath

29. Clan Meeting

28. Kazuya Returns

27. The Elder

26. Clan Mission 9

25. Clan Mission 8

24. Clan Mission 6 and 7

23. Yasu Leaves

22. Clan Mission 5

21. Clan Mission 4

Chihiro Crashes the Party

avatar on 2022-11-19 12:56:33

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Chihiro looked at me with a bit of mockery. "Have you guys done it yet!? I wonder how it was like for our 17-year-old baby, Nagisa-chan!" Juro seemed to monopolize his attention and said "Yeah we did it. I'm an adult now too. I stroked my brush so hard that Akita-chan was full of sticky white stuff." Chihiro moved his eyes from me to his younger cousin. "That's great! That's the mark of a manly shinobi. One day your wife will enjoy that, and you'll have kids together." It sounded very genuine. Akita just said "Kirume-sama did well for his age." He did not sound genuine at all. Chihiro looked at him and just nodded. "Well, I am focusing on Juro because he's so young. As a kunoichi chunin, I am your senpai. Congratulations for your special day as well." Akita and Natsuji both bowed to him. "Trust me, it gets better with practice." Chihiro said. I did not need to eat, so I offered him my portion of spicy rice. "Natsuji and I made it earlier." He looked confused. He was my rival, but I was being nice to him in neutral gorund. He could not risk being a dick back to me with Juro watching both of us.

That would not stop him from trying to one up me. He looked at the twins and grinned. "You guys worked really hard. I know Nagisa's circumstances were only revealed to us 3 days ago. You can't have had that much time to prepare for a moment like this." The twins nodded and Akita said "Grandfather knew that we had been training by ourselves. Noone wanted to take us on to train us." "We were basically copying what we saw on the training fields as we helped deliver weapons. They would chase us off when they caught us." Natsuji added. That was to be expected for them to do when it was towards so-called "outsiders". "I'm glad that you rose to the occasion. Not everyone could." Chihiro said. It was true that it gave them their one in a million shot. I was personally rooting for them too. "We wanted to be shinobi, but Grandfather gave us this chance and we knew we had to take it. I'm proud that we were able to achieve it with this opportunity." Akita said. This was where Chihiro made his move. "I am guessing neither of you were really satisfied yet, right? Most kunoichi aren't." he said.

Both twins looked at each other. They were in a dilemna. On one hand, it was clear to see that they were not satisfied. Both of them were asking for more sex, but they did not get it. Natsuji at least got to cum once. Akita did not even get hard when servicing Juro. On the other hand, Juro and I were right here. They did not want to make enemies. "C'mon. Were all men of the village now. We can have a frank conversation between clan members. I don't think they will shy from criticism." He said as he hung on their shoulder. He was smirking right at me. I rolled my eyes. Chihiro's plan was just to fish for complaints about me in order to humilate me. I was not going to let him win. "Let's not talk about the past. That happened when we were all boys. Like you said, we're men now. Besides, you coming in after the fact to tease everyone isn't fair when we haven't seen you in action yet." I said. That put the pressure on him. He was a veteran though. It was not enough to fluster him. "I get it. Kunoichi train together to keep skills their sharp. Doing it is great for bonding too. I'll help you both out."

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