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43. Chunin Exams

42. Fighting Chihiro

41. Adulthood

40. Chihiro In the House

39. Juro and Akita

38. Waking Up

37. Cold Feet

36. Akita and Natsuji

35. Some Progress

34. The Fitting

33. A Tradition

32. Marriage Proposal

31. Clan Mission 10

30. Mission Aftermath

29. Clan Meeting

28. Kazuya Returns

27. The Elder

26. Clan Mission 9

25. Clan Mission 8

24. Clan Mission 6 and 7

Travelling Over

avatar on 2022-11-19 13:05:07

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clan uniform

I did not really hang out with many members of the clan. I guess that it was high time to make some new acquaintances. I needed both shinobi and kunoichi for this new squad. for the shinobi, I found Rin, Hibiki and Asahi. They were happy to try their luck. Masaru and Hayato were kunoichi that wanted to take the exam on my team. My squad was full already. Keisuke still had his picks to go. He took Goro, Rokuro and Juro. They had a deep history. I did not knock the picks. He took a male and female kunoichi with him as well. The male was Eiko and the female was named Kyoko. We decided to leave for the capitol city right away. It was pretty far. We would have to get on the train at Gin. I was not dreading it. As long as we got a morning train, we would be out of dodge. All 12 of us made our way to the city and got through the gate when they opened. We walked to the train station and bought our tickets. The train took an hour to arrive and prepare for its journey. It was the first time many of the clan members had got on the train. We were having some fun until it got extremely crowded.

As ninja, we could not get priority boarding. We were forced to stand and were smushed with the crowd by the time it was time to go. It was okay at first, but some of the guys were not having a great time. Masaru and Hayato were getting openly sexually harassed by perverts on the train. The same thing happened to Rin and Asahi, but I was close enough to get the pervert to stop. I cursed them out until they shuffled away at the next stop. The 5 ninja in my care were not going to suffer that. The victims did not seem to notice the abuse. They were too busy focusing on the parameters of mission they were texted. I told them what has happening, but Rin said that only a woman could be abused in that way. I asked if they liked that man grinding against them. "You can't help it when it's that crowded. I'm a kunoichi, so I know my butt is soft and erotic. I trained to make it look that way on purpose. If it causes someone to respond it's only natural." Masaru waved it off. Hayato also agreed with it. I groaned and said "You are proud ninja. Soon to be chunin. Don't let dirty old men take advantage."

Masaru and Hayato

Rin and Asahi

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