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3. An Office Affair (Alternate)

2. Random Lives

1. You Are What You Wish

Welcome to Womanhood in the Office

on 2022-11-20 07:01:55

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The world went blurry before my eyes. It was painful to look, but for some reason I was unable to close my eyes. Or I could close my eyes, but it had no effect on the pain or the vision. The mist was lifted from my eyes, and I looked out from the eyes of the body I would occupy for the next month.

The first thing I noticed was the girl in front of me. She was sexy in a cute way, reddish-brown hair touching her shoulders, and a pair of deep green eyes. Her body was slim, and the breasts looked moderately-sized and perky through the short-sleeve skirt suit she was wearing. It took me a couple of seconds to realize that I was looking at a mirror, in a restroom.

The knowledge of who I was came to me almost instantly. I was Marie Hanson, 19 years old, a recent high school graduate and recently-hired office secretary at a small computer company called Joint Computer Solutions, or JCS, which I had started working at along with a friend from school, Jacqueline Lee who was also hired as a secretary. Outside of work, I enjoyed swimming, volleyball and shopping. Some other interests in the form of memories soon surfaced in my mind that caused me to gasp and my cheeks to brighten in embarrassment as I saw this happen in the mirror.

I thought I would have more trouble walking in my new high-heels and the confining skirt encased around my legs but the wish seemed to have given me the air of feminine knowledge as I exited the bathroom and effortlessly glided in short narrow steps across the office floor towards my desk, keeping a big but forced smile on my face along the way as I tried to live my new role. As I reached my desk outside the office of my boss a technology manager I received a phone call from Jacqueline that her boss Brian Mitchell needed to see me right away. I didn’t know why but as soon as she said Brian’s name a feeling of butterflies enveloped my body as I became light as a feather. Shaking my head in confusion to these knew sensations and getting a grip over myself I thanked Jacqueline and walked several doors down the hall, gave my friend a nod as she sat at her desk, and opened Brian Mitchell’s door. Going through the doorway I found him sitting behind his desk, smiling. The first thought that ran through my head was how handsome he looked. Brian Mitchell was the company’s chief executive, an excellent engineer, an expert practitioner of martial arts but he was also my secret lover and master of my sexual well-being.

"Close the door," he said. I obeyed immediately without a second thought, almost as if it was muscle memory of this body. Another shocking muscle memory that I did next without thinking was to walk over behind his desk in front of his closed lap, take off my heels, and then without breaking a sweat strip off my clothes except for the red lingerie bra and panties I had on underneath. Following this and with an excitement that bordered my confusion as to what was happening I quickly found the place I knew was mine, climbing onto his lap and sitting on one of his thighs while my bare legs hung off his other to the side. Without even realizing what I was naturally doing I wrapped my arms around his neck and rested my biceps on his shoulder bringing my face just inches from his own. I exhaled a gasp as Brian firmly grasped my hips in his hands, pulling me closer towards him and his eyes stared intently into mine. Still confused and a bit frightened at the speed of this developing situation my body had other thoughts though as I stared back into his mesmerizing eyes and the butterflies from earlier returned with a vengeance.

I suddenly felt doubt and fear at how the situation had come about. My male mind resurfaced, and I was revolted by the thought of kissing a man on the lips. At the same time, there was something in me that wanted to do it. I knew that Brian would punish me if I disobeyed, as he had several times before going by my new memories, seeing the disobedience as part of the sex game he and Marie played. And I wasn't sure that was any better than what he wanted me to do now.

"Don't you want to play?" Brian said. I shook my head in denial but still kept a cute smile on my face in order not to anger him. "Well, I want to play, and if you want to be a bad girl, then I'll need to punish you." Taking his right hand on my hip he pressed the intercom on his desk. "Jacqueline, I'll be busy for the next twenty minutes or so. Don’t let anybody into my office" he said before waiting for the confirmation from Jacqueline and then placing his hand back on my left hip.

"Well, then, Marie, what are we going to do with you?”

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