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23. Tuesday

22. Jon changes the team as reques

21. Cheerleading Practice

20. Sarah starts her new life

19. Jon uses the wishing rock to m

18. Sarah really does want that fe

17. Sarah thinks she wants to stay

16. Biff helps Sarah feel better

15. Follow Sarah

14. Jon uses his Ring Finger (paw)

13. Jon and Karyn bump into Sarah

12. Jon and Karyn go for a walk

11. Jon called Karyn Over

10. Jon uses his Index Finger on N

9. Jon uses his Index Finger on N

8. Jon uses his Index Finger on Z

7. Jon uses his Pinkie Finger on

6. Jon uses his Pinkie Finger on

5. Testing the wish on Zoe

4. Testing the wish at home

SS: Tuesday - What's Jon's secret?

avatar on 2009-06-25 14:54:45
Episode last modified by Brayn on 2018-02-26 00:59:51

1077 hits, 47 views, 0 upvotes.

Age Animal Anthro FTM MC Omni SciFi

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Tuesday came around (did you bring a sweater?), and the school was still the same. Nothing had really changed, or so everyone though. However, there were now 6 dog girls leading the cheerleading squad. They strolled down the corridors, still holding their heads high and acting all prissy like they did in their old forms, escorted by Alison and Erika, whom were still normal humans.

The girls chatted among themselves about their overnight romps with various girlfriends. Sarah even talked about Biff's latest escapades, but she found herself more and more wandering in thought towards Jon. Sarah couldn't figure out why she was even entertaining these thoughts, she'd never really considered Jon before, but now that she was finding exemplary sex due to her new body, is it possible that that is the contributing factor as to why she's not that interested in Biff anymore?

If she could feel this way with any partner, thanks to her new form, it meant that she could now pick a someone not just for their member, but for their personality, their intelligence, not just their social status or their looks. Sarah really was starting to develop a crush on Jon. She thought she should still be angry with Jon about what he did to her on the weekend before, but she couldn't find it in herself to be angry anymore.

However, not all was right in the school, Biff Meadows and his friend Steve "The Stud" Farber leaned against some closed lockers as the girls strolled past, Sarah watched Sarah's cute ass sway with her walk, swishing her tight skirt against her legs, on a brief occasion, and he could catch a glance of what was beneath the skirt. Melissa blew a kiss at Steve as she walked past.

Steve and Biff looked at each other, "So, what was it like last night?" Biff asked.

"Great man", Biff replied, "Totally rockin'. I don't know what's gotten into Sarah recently, she's never been this excited about sex, normally she gets bored and tells me to go fuck myself but now non-stop excitement"

Steve nodded, "Yea man, Melissa too. I was prepped to dump her skanky ass cause of how stuck up she was but suddenly last night she was a completely different person. I couldn't satisfy her. ME! The Stud couldn't satisfy a girl!" he said.

"I reckon it's that Jon Gibson", Biff said


"Sarah mentioned him to me the other day, before she started acting all strange", he explained, "She said he did something to her, and then suddenly, everything changed"

"Maybe she's screwing him, man", Steve said, "Sarah's a bitch, she probably would screw anyone with a penis and a pulse if she could"

Biff punched Steve in the arm, "Don't talk about my girl like that", he scowled.

"Touchy", Steve replied, gingerly rubbing his sore arm, "So what is it then?"

"I dunno", Biff sighed, "Jon's not a drug dealer, at least not one that I know of"

"Coulda spiked her drink", Steve suggested.

"No it's something else", Biff said, "She was in the park on Saturday, before this whole thing started, something must have happened then"

Steve stopped leaning against the locker and stood up, "Man, I don't give a fuck what you're talking about, if Melissa and Sarah are both acting this way and stay this way, good for us! Who gives a crap how?" he said.

"What if Melissa goes back to her old self? Don't you want to know how he does it so your next conquest will be just the same?" Biff suggested, he really knew how to play Steve's testosterone controlled mind.

"Fair call man", Steve said, "Let's got rough him up then, find out his secret"

Biff nodded, he scanned the school crowd around him to see if he could find Jon anywhere nearby, "He's not here, where would he be?"

Steve shrugged, "I don't know, not my job to track dorks, just look out for that skank Karyn, her ugly green top will stick out like a sore thumb, he won't be far behind"

Biff nodded, they headed off to find Jon and Karyn before the bell rang.

Karyn and Jon had met up with Emily Morris in the back quad, they were leaning against a wall next to the old oak tree like they always did, chatting about what had happened over the weekend. Emily had been let in on the wishing stone secret by Jon and Karyn and they were currently explaining what they'd been doing with the rock since then. It didn't take much effort past "borrowing" Emily's breasts to prove to her that Jon really did have the power to swap people's body parts around and the three of them were planning what to do with the rock after school.

Jon's back was to the advanced Biff and Steve, it wasn't until the last second that Karyn and Emily even noticed their approach either. Biff grabbed Jon by the back of the neck and threw him against the tree trunk, with his free hand; he shoved Karyn to the ground. Emily on the other hand, gave Steve a run for his money; she was a trained martial artist and managed to land a punch square in Steve's solar plexus, artfully dodging his attempts to grab her.

Frustrated at being hurt by a girl, he closed his fist and back handed Emily, knocking her to the ground, "Only bitch to ever say 'no' to The Stud", Steve said angrily, "You deserve that"

Emily was infuriated, "How's this for a follow up?" she said as a kick went straight for Steve's crotch, connecting with his most prized possession.

Steve grabbed his crotch and fell to the ground, writhing in pain, Emily stood up and kicked Steve in the face with her sneaker, making a satisfying thwack as she did so, Steve just moaned in response.

Emily turned and looked at Biff, who was still forcefully holding Jon against the tree, but it wasn't a painful or aggressive attempt to restrain Jon, from Emily's vantage point it looked like he could easily push away from the tree if he wanted to, it seemed this was more of an attempt by Biff to have Jon's undivided attention.

"What the fuck did you do to the cheerleading squad?" Biff demanded of Jon.

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