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17. Karyn can't be the voice of re

16. Jon and Karyn come home and fi

15. Follow Sarah

14. Jon uses his Ring Finger (paw)

13. Jon and Karyn bump into Sarah

12. Jon and Karyn go for a walk

11. Jon called Karyn Over

10. Jon uses his Index Finger on N

9. Jon uses his Index Finger on N

8. Jon uses his Index Finger on Z

7. Jon uses his Pinkie Finger on

6. Jon uses his Pinkie Finger on

5. Testing the wish on Zoe

4. Testing the wish at home

3. Jon's Decision

2. Moral Issues (remastered)

1. You Are What You Wish

SS: A new pet and a new friend

avatar on 2009-05-26 16:16:25

1275 hits, 85 views, 0 upvotes.

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"Jon, I reckon we just let her go", Karyn said.

"What?" Jon replied, "After breaking the window to the house like that?"

Karyn nodded, she looked at the woman she was sitting on and back again, "Jon, you stole her body for hours, you made her into a freak and you've already fixed the broken window, don't you think you've 'punished' her enough for this?" she said.

Jon mulled it over, he wasn't happy about the situation but Karyn was right, "But what about the stone? We've shown her what it is and what it can do?" he pointed out.

Karyn thought about it for a moment, "Wait a minute; you put that perception wish on the stone, when Sarah leaves she won't even remember what exactly the stone is or what its worth. Where's the problem there?" she said, "I mean hell, it works on me so it must work on her too!"

Jon thought about it for a moment, "No Karyn, not this time, I'm sorry"

Karyn was stunned, what was Jon doing? She could feel Sarah squirming under her ass trying to get free, "Jon, what are you doing?" she asked.

Jon replied, "It's quite simple, something she said earlier really stung, when she called me a mutt, a freak and a bitch. Yes it's part of her personality and a potentially irreparable one too, but she has been doing this to everyone her entire life, and even now as we approach the end of high school, she's shown no signs of redemption, not even a glimmer of hope"

Karyn scowled at Jon rather angrily, "Who the hell appointed you Judge, Jury and Executioner for people's lives?" she demanded.

"My grandfather did when he gave me the rock", Jon replied swiftly.

Karyn stood up from Sarah, releasing him, "I'm sorry, I can't be a party to whatever it is you're going to do, call me when you come to your sense", she said, getting up and walking out the door.

Jon didn't care, Sarah was about to lunge for him and wish a quick wish, he cut her off, "I wish Sarah couldn't move until I say so"

Sarah was frozen in place now.

Jon walked around Sarah's frozen form, it was rather amusing to see her stuck there, she couldn't blink an eye, breath or even say a word, she was the perfect living statue and it was time for Jon to sculpt.

"I wish Sarah was on all fours", he wished.

Sarah's body repositioned itself very artificially so to now stand on her two arms and two legs.

Jon looked at Nikita and then back to Sarah, remembering her earlier comments.

"I wish Sarah had the legs of an adult German Sheppard, the dog species and not the person. I also wish that the hair on her legs would match the hair on her scale for colour", Jon said.

Jon watched as Sarah's arms and legs twisted and reformed into those that were similar to what Sarah had before when Jon body swapped with her. When Sarah's feet shrank, her sneakers and socks fell right off her. Jon stood there for a minute, admiring his handiwork. He decided to strip Sarah of her clothes too, right down to the buff, carefully piling her sweat clothes and various bits on the table next to her.

Jon looked over Sarah now, in all her naked glory, he didn't get much of a chance to do this while he was in her body, in all truth he was going to do it when he got home with Karyn until Sarah showed up.

Jon then looked over to his loyal pet Nikita, who was still sleeping, Nikita was only a year old and friendlier and faithful then Sarah had ever been, this was the time to pay Nikita back for all that kindness.

Jon picked up the rock again, "I wish Nikita was a human whom looked like a woman that could pass for Sarah McMillan's non-identical sister"

Jon watched as his German Sheppard changed into an 18 year old human woman, her body reformed and reshaped itself, legs resculpting themselves into arms and legs with long slender fingers and toes. Her muzzle receded into her face and became a button nose and a pair of pouty lips. Her hair receded all along her body except for her scalp which now sported a long brown mane of hair, much like her original hair colour.

Jon looked at the beautiful woman that was now curled up, sleeping on the floor, she was very lovely looking and almost identical to Sarah, except for a few facial features slightly different and brown eyes instead of blue.

The next part of the wish was the trickiest of all, "I wish that Nikita was now known as Nikita McMillan, that she took the place of Sarah McMillan in the memories of everyone who knew Sarah, Nikita is the captain of the cheerleading team at school and the girlfriend of Biff Meadows. I wish that Nikita McMillan had all of Sarah's academic memories but had Nikita's own personality instead of Sarah's"

Jon had just wished Nikita to replace Sarah in existence, and this way, Nikita was basically Sarah with a different name, slightly different face and a much better personality in his opinion.

Jon had a final wish, "I wish that Nikita regarded me, Karyn and the people she knew much as she did in her former dog existence, except that she now loves her new family as much as Sarah did"

Nikita didn't move, Jon knelt down to her and gently shook her, "Wake up Nikita", he said softly.

Nikita stirred, lifting her new arm up, brushing the strands of hair away from her face, "What? Oh, hey Jon", she replied, rolling over and pushing herself up onto her feet.

Nikita wobbled a bit before saying something more, she looked down at herself and then back to Jon, "Why am I naked?" he asked Jon.

Jon shrugged, "I don't know, I found you like that when I woke you up", he said, Jon turned and picked up Sarah's sweat clothes off the table, "here, use these", he said.

Nikita picked up the bundle of clothes, "Oh, what were my clothes doing on the table?" she remarked, "Strange, oh well"

Nikita put the clothes on in front of Jon, making sure to zip up Sarah's pink top over her new breasts and even putting the iPod earpiece back into her ear.
"What's this?" Nikita said as she reached for her old dog collar, she pulled it off and chucked it on the ground.

Nikita stretched for a bit and looked around.

"Oh boy, that was a hell of a nap, I love Saturdays", she said.

Jon smiled, "Ok cool"

Nikita looked at her watch, "Well, I'd better get going, I don't know why I'm here, but thanks for letting me nap on your floor in the nude Jon", she said as she headed to the door.

"Heh, feel free to do it again sometime", Jon replied.

Nikita poked her tongue out at Jon, "cheeky" she replied, before heading out the door and closing it behind her.

Jon was going to miss Nikita as a dog, she was faithful, loyal and friendly, but he looked at it this way, now he had a faithful and loyal friend instead of a pet. Jon turned back to Sarah who was still frozen on the spot with her new German Sheppard legs.

Jon looked her over, "I wish that Sarah McMillan was now known as Sarah, the Gibson household's German Sheppard. I wish that no one questions the fact that she looked like a human woman with dog legs, and that she'd age at the same rate as a human would. I wish that Sarah could only bark and her barks could only be understood by me and Karyn if we concentrate on her", Jon stopped to take a breath.

Jon suddenly stopped himself when he realized he'd left something out, "I wish that Sarah could no longer read or write English or any other language", he said.

Good, that'll keep her from trying to get help, Jon thought, But it might not stop her from trying to attack me

"I wish that Sarah was also unable to attack me or anyone in an aggressive or hostile way", Jon said. Now he was completely satisfied.

Boy pets are a handful to deal with, Jon thought to himself.

"I also wish that Sarah would be given clothing similar to what a human girl her age would be given but she would be treated no differently then any other household pet", Jon finished.

So basically Jon had a pet girl that was half dog running around the house now. In a flash, a simple cotton bra and panties were pulled over Sarah's body by an invisible force, then a simple form fitting white T-shirt on top and a pair of short shorts were pulled over her rear. Jon had to laugh at the sight. The last thing he had to-do was pick up Nikita's old dog collar and fasten it around Sarah's neck. Funnily enough, the wishes to Nikita and Sarah had already changed the name on the collar. Jon thought the red on the collar went well with her blonde hair.

Jon looked Sarah over; she looked like her normal self, except for the lack of taste in clothing or the golden haired legs coming out of her sleeves and pants.

"Alright Sarah, you can move now", Jon said to no one in particular.

With a quick jerking motion, Sarah was free to move again, completely unaware of what had happened to her, she looked around in a panic and then looked down at her new legs, yelping in surprised. She turned to Jon and growled, uttering a few barks.

Jon concentrated on her and could hear what she was saying, "What the hell have you done to me?" she was demanding.

"Well Sarah, I've turned you into a bitch", Jon replied, "Fitting I think, but don't take my word for it, what do you think?"

Sarah walked around on her four legs, trying to see her entire body, "I don't believe you, you've just swapped my legs with your mutt again like before!" she growled.

Jon took her to the mirror and showed her her new reflection, Sarah looked on in shock at the collar around her neck and the plain clothes she was wearing.

"That doesn't prove anything, you've just changed my clothes is all!" she whined, sounding very scared.

Jon laughed, "Sarah, I have a magic wishing rock, I just turned you into our household pet, you're mine now forever. I gave my dog the life you so callously wanted to throw away and she's already putting it to better use. You're stuck with me now here"

Sarah shook her head, "No, it can't be true!"

"Yes it can, you can't read or write anymore in ANY language, you are registered as a pet and to everyone else you're just an unusual looking German Sheppard. Hell, except for me and Karyn, people only hear you barking!" Jon laughed.

"No, no, no, no, no!' Sarah wailed.

"Oh yes Sarah, and to top if all off, you can never hurt me and these wishes can't be reversed, you're stuck as a German Sheppard for the rest of your life!", Jon said.

Sarah's heart sank; somewhere between despair and downright terror it was floating. She couldn't' believe what Jon was saying but somehow couldn't doubt it either. Sarah started to whine.

"Oh snap out of it Sarah, you've been a bitch to people for years, now I've just given you a chance to be a real one. Look at it this way, when people call you a bitch now, they're not calling you names, it's just the truth!", Jon said with another laugh, "Just be grateful I left you with your dignity, you could be out there with NO clothes on and still a pet! But at least I've made sure that you'll be wearing some reasonable clothes even if you are just a dog now", he added.

Sarah didn't know what to do, it was stunning what had happened, Jon walked to the backdoor of the house and opened it up, "Out you go! You're a yard dog now", he said with a smirk.

Sarah slowly and grudgingly trotted out of the house and into the back yard, she tried to find a way to escape but it was no use, if Jon was telling the truth, then she'd just get caught by pound officers and Jon would do something even nastier to her after she was returned. And if he could do something like swap his body with hers as he did earlier, then there was no doubt that he could do this to her too.

Sarah whined, dropping a few tears down her cheeks as she began to try, trotting all the while to the large dog house at the back of Jon's yard. If she could read, she would have seen the large name on the house roof saying "SARAH" just for her.

Jon closed the door behind Sarah and walked back inside, he did fill a pang of regret for what Sarah had done, but something she said earlier really just struck with him. It may have been possible for Jon to reverse all this if it was simply done with his swap power, but now it was really permanent with the stone. He tossed it up and down in his hand as he went upstairs to put it back in his safe place.

It was time to go tell Karyn what he'd done.

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