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20. Nikita takes Sarah home

19. Follow Sarah

18. Jon goes to Karyn

17. Karyn can't be the voice of re

16. Jon and Karyn come home and fi

15. Follow Sarah

14. Jon uses his Ring Finger (paw)

13. Jon and Karyn bump into Sarah

12. Jon and Karyn go for a walk

11. Jon called Karyn Over

10. Jon uses his Index Finger on N

9. Jon uses his Index Finger on N

8. Jon uses his Index Finger on Z

7. Jon uses his Pinkie Finger on

6. Jon uses his Pinkie Finger on

5. Testing the wish on Zoe

4. Testing the wish at home

3. Jon's Decision

2. Moral Issues (remastered)

1. You Are What You Wish

SS: Adopting a kindred spirit

avatar on 2009-06-30 15:49:36

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Nikita couldn't figure out what was wrong with Sarah, it was like she had been traumatized by something. Nikita was concerned that Sarah had been abused by Jon, but she'd known him a long time and Nikita knew that he would never be that cruel to his dog. However, Nikita also had a soft spot for animals and she wasn't going to send Sarah back to somewhere she didn't want to go.

Of course it wasn't really Nikita's decision anyway, the first time Nikita tried to get Sarah out of her room; Sarah somehow managed to lock her legs around the bed post and wouldn't budge. When Nikita gave up trying, she found that Sarah stopped resisting attempts to leave, and simply curled up on her bed. Nikita decided she'd take care of Sarah until she was ready to leave.

This meant talking with her parents of course, but Nikita, like all McMillan women had the ability to sweet-talk their way into anyone's good graces. Nikita was still wearing her jogging outfit from before, content that Sarah wasn't going to go anywhere she headed into the bathroom to clean herself up.

Nikita had a shower, it felt wonderful to have the water blasting the dirt off her breasts, the warm water was like a constant massage, and she couldn't remember the last time she felt like this. It seemed like it was the first time she could remember ever feeling so good after a shower or bath.

After a fair amount of time, Nikita got out of the shower and dried herself off. Once she wrapped her waist in a towel, Nikita walked back into the bedroom. Initially she was a little self conscious of Sarah's presence, but reminded herself that Sarah was just a dog, not an actual person. Nikita headed over to the cupboard and looked through the clothes, she eventually settled on a radiant red halter-top with matching skirt. After she closed the cupboard, Nikita dropped the clothes on her bed next to Sarah.

Nikita glanced at Sarah as she turned away to get clean underwear from her dresser when she realized that Sarah had a sad look in her eyes. Nikita chocked it up to whatever reason that had driven Sarah away from Jon in the first place and went back to getting dressed. After picking out a lacy white bra and matching panties from dresser, Nikita grabbed a pair of pantihose and headed over to her shoe collection. Nikita eventually selected a pair of open-toe pumps and headed over to the rest of her outfit to get dressed.

When Nikita was finished, she looked absolutely stunning; of course she was dressing up for her big date with Biff so she needed to look as good as possible. The bra she chose was lifting and separating her breasts, presenting optimal cleavage through her halter-top. Once Nikita was satisfied, she went back to the bathroom and applied some makeup.

Eventually Nikita finished even with that, she came back into the bedroom, petted Sarah on the head and grabbed her purse. Nikita walked out the door, turning back she waved goodbye to Sarah before closing the door behind her.

By the time Sunday afternoon had arrived, Nikita had gotten used to Sarah as company. She was always there in her bedroom whenever she returned, looking at Nikita expectantly, but also hopefully, as if Nikita had learned something new about Sarah. Unfortunately she was still at a loss to figure out exactly what Sarah wanted or why she was afraid to go near Jon anymore.

Nikita had been able to successfully sweet-talk her parents into letting her have a dog, so Sarah was now freely able to move around the house, but she still preferred to stay in Nikita's bedroom. The McMillan family were slightly confused as to why their dog needed clothes either, but they were still willing to pitch in as long as Nikita would take care of her and change her every day. Nikita even had the chance to do a little shopping and pick up something that looked a bit better on her then the plain white clothes that the Gibson family used to dress Sarah in.

As Nikita was redressing Sarah, she had to wonder why a dog needed clothes at all, but Nikita soon learned that Sarah, unlike typical German Sheppards, had practically no hair anywhere on her body except her head. She really did look like a human with dog limbs, rather then a real dog. But Nikita knew the one year old dog wasn't human, even though she looked it. So Nikita dutifully changed Sarah regardless, figuring that at least it kept her warm.

Nikita had finished meeting with her cheerleading squad during the morning but thinks still seemed to be a bit strange for Nikita. All weekend, since her blackout before waking up at Jon's place, the world seemed to be different. As if Nikita was only just filling in for something or someone, it wasn't really her life.

Nikita thought that was crazy, she HAD the memories of growing up in this house, her family and friends, falling in love with Biff, but still she couldn't shake that nagging feeling in the back of her mind. A feeling that got reinforced when she felt distanced from the other cheerleaders while they rabbited on about the latest clothes or album they'd purchased. She continued to play the part, but it didn't feel right.

Nikita continued to muse while she groomed Sarah's hair for her, straightening out the knots and putting her hair up in a bow so that it wouldn't get caught on anything. Her thoughts dwelled on Jon and Karyn, she had memories of not really talking to them, or talking down to them whenever she was near. But she also remembered that she liked them, as if they were close friends, closer then the friends she remembered actually having and for the life of her couldn't figure out why she'd been so mean to those two in the past.

Well this year was the last year of high school for her, Nikita mused, and perhaps she should consider mending some bridges with those two before the chance is lost forever.

Nikita finished off grooming Sarah and put down the doggie bed that she'd set up in a basket next to her dresser, Sarah didn't seem to want to lay down though and was sitting on all fours on Nikita's bed. Nikita observed Sarah for a moment, it was strange, it was like she was looking at herself. Blinking a few times, Nikita cleared that thought from her head and left the room, closing the door behind her. It was time to talk to Jon.

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