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10. Getting to Know Your Character

9. Getting to Know Georgia

8. The Bible

7. Georgia on My Mind

6. Zoe...yet not

5. On the Set

4. Waking Up Elsewhere

3. Jon sleeps on it.

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

On the Set: Getting to Know Your Character

on 2022-11-26 02:18:09

753 hits, 122 views, 2 upvotes.

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"I'm a bit hungry too...I have nothing in my fridge."

Georgia shook her head. "Honestly, have barely unpacked, you haven't bought any food..." She made a noise.

"How about I come with you...we can talk while you eat?" Lauren said.

Jon looked at her. "Sure..." he said, curious about her. And besides, he was stuck here for now.

Craft services turned out to be a table full of fruit, muffins, bagels, cheeses. Jon grabbed something and they sat nearby.

"What seems to be your problem?" Georgia asked Lauren.

"They liked how I played it in rehearsal...but now, they are thinking that they want to show there's more to Sarah then there appears so they can play it out over the season...I mean, the outline described her as head cheerleader and class-A bitch. I didn't think she had any depth. I mean, she first appears surrounded by a bunch of boys who are drooling all over her."

"Every character has a reason why they are the way they are," Georgia said, helpfully. "I was just telling Jonathan that I was hoping the writers would give us more to work with. I mean, our characters are starting out as stereotypes of a sort. I just make things up in my head when the dialogue doesn't give me any clues."

Jon paused. Did Sarah have more to her? It wasn't like he'd associated enough to know anything more about her than what he saw. But he seriously doubted she did community service or anything on the weekends.

"I'm sure you'll do great," Jon told her. "You were great in rehearsal." He hoped she actually was. But he figured it didn't matter at this moment.

She beamed at him. "Thanks, Jonathan..."

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