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6. Copy those breasts

5. Jon creates a new power

4. Testing the wish at the Mall

3. Jon's Decision

2. Moral Issues (remastered)

1. You Are What You Wish

SS: Jon tries the wish again

avatar on 2009-10-28 14:22:11
Episode last modified by Brayn on 2018-02-13 06:14:05

3122 hits, 178 views, 3 upvotes.

FTP Inanimate MC Myth NBM Size Unaware

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Jon sat in the cafe having received his second coffee from the waitress he copied the shoes of a moment ago. He sat there idling stirring the drink in front of him with his spoon as he watched the crowds walking by the shop. The waitress, Jon had discovered, was named Claire and was actually much younger then Jon initially thought. From the way she looked and carried herself, Jon had her pegged as around about 22-23, but as it turns out, she is only 18 and living in a suburb nearby, only a few miles from Jon's house.

Jon ended up chatting with Claire for a while, and what's more amazing is she even gave Jon her phone number! That was something he didn't expect and was still rather stunned as he received the paper with her number on it. Claire smiled as he pocketed it and walked off, carrying his old, empty coffee cup away with her. Jon watched quietly as she walked off to the kitchen. He had been after Karyn for so long he was completely caught off guard by another girl being openly interested in him.

Jon sipped his coffee slowly, savouring the taste while he continued to think about Claire, it was a good 30 minutes later before he even remembered why he was at the mall in the first place. Jon put the cup down and looked at the rock, still sitting on the tabletop in front of him. He remembered that he still had to test the copy wish again and make sure everything worked.

He couldn't help himself however, his thoughts kept wandering to Karyn and her new enlarged breasts, Jon even found himself wondering about Claire's rather impressive bust as well. Jon couldn't understand why Karyn considered her spontaneous improvements to be so annoying in the first place. Sure it was larger then they used to be, but they couldn't be that much of a bother.

Jon thought of Karyn's wish enhanced breasts, so soft and smooth under her now tight green sweater. Even though he'd never really seen Karyn naked, he had enough of an idea of what to expect under there. It didn't take long for Jon to get to his happy place, thinking about Karyn naked, he was just thankful that he was sitting down otherwise he'd be flashing the cafe patrons a rather impressive tent pitched in his cargo pants. But Jon was too polite to play with himself in public like that, especially in the presence of a girl who was interested in him, so he let his little guy go unanswered.

Then it occurred to Jon, why the hell not? , he thought to himself.

Jon scanned the crowd passing the shop, looking for something specific. He watched as the crowds moved back and forth, a blur of figures, until one finally stood out at him. He watched as a tall woman slowly made her way through the crowds, she was an amazing looking woman, with a dark brown eyes and a soft face framed by short brown hair.

She looked absolutely gorgeous in her form fitting button-up business suit and skirt. But the only asset Jon was interested in was her impressive DD balcony contained underneath her top. Her breasts stood proudly out against her jacket, Jon could easily tell that they were the same size as Karyn's new assets. He watched as the strange woman walked past the table where he was sitting and up to the counter to order a drink. After the woman paid, she sat down at a table near Jon. Jon watched her as she pulled a PDA out of her handbag and turned it on, busying herself with something on the device while she waited for her order.

Jon pointed his index finger at the woman and spoke, "Copy those breasts", he said.

The woman's head rose from the PDA and she faced Jon, "Did you say something?" she asked, looking at him strangely.

Jon shook his head quickly, "Nothing, sorry", he replied.

The woman turned back to her PDA and started working again; completely oblivious to the fact that the man she was speaking to now sported an identical rack to her own impressive one. Jon looked down at his chest, his shirt now being stretched uncomfortably around his brand new breasts that were hanging freely off his chest. He raised his hand to cup one of the breasts, running his hand up and down the breasts, amazed at the feelings he was receiving.

Looking around, Jon could see that no-one else even noticed Jon had a new pair that he lacked a moment ago, not even Claire who smiled at Jon as she delivered the business woman's drink. Jon was amazed at how soft the breasts were; even through his shirt he could feel their malleability just by a gentle touch. He also noticed that he was getting goose bumps from all the attention he was giving his new features, it was sending a tingle up and down his spine every time he rubbed his new breasts.

Jon stood up, feeling his new DD sized breasts bouncing slightly as he did so, they felt rather heavy but not as heavy as Jon expected them to be. Especially since Karyn complained so much after the first day with them, he thought they'd be much heavier but they weren't. He headed for the men's bathroom in the back of the café to examine his new assets more closely.

Jon closed the bathroom stall and locked it to make sure he wouldn't be interrupted. He unbuttoned his shirt and let his new assets bounce free, thankful that he could open his shirt up. His new breasts fell out in front of him. They were incredible, large and soft, they looked like he had been born with them, there was no skin tone shifts or strangeness about them, and they looked completely natural.

Jon could feel their smooth skin with his hands as opposed to the hairy pecks he had this morning, so soft and supple underneath his larger hands. He could feel and SEE the effect his ministrations were having on his new attachments, his pink nipples standing erect on his soft coloured areolas. Further down, his one man army was standing to attention as well. After a few moments of stroking his new breasts, Jon stopped before he'd gone too far and ended up having an accident in his pants.

Jon stopped playing with himself and just looked down at his breast, slowly turning from side to side and watching them sway off his chest like they belonged there. He waited for his erection to fade away before he put his shirt and jacket back on.

Jon was about to speak the words that would give him his old chest back when he stopped. He looked down at his new breasts poking out from his shirt and thought to himself. There is a lot of fun to be had with this, Jon thought. He figured that he could keep his new breasts for a while and get them home where he could "examine" them more appropriately in his room behind a closed door, rather then a public bathroom. Not to mention if he could live with them for a little while, maybe Karyn would be less inclined to restore her own breasts back to normal size.

Jon opened the bathroom stall and stepped out into the bathroom proper; he looked around and saw no-one, still slightly apprehensive about anyone seeing him like this. Even though he'd already been walking around in the cafewith his breasts and no one noticed, Jon was convinced that everyone would suddenly point and laugh at him like it was some sort of elaborate practical joke.

Jon walked back out into the cafe; everyone was carrying on as normal, nothing different whatsoever. Jon could see Claire still behind the counter serving at the register. Jon was a little annoyed with his new breasts; they were bouncing uncomfortably as he walked, his little self challenge was already facing its first hurdle, the annoyance of naturally bouncing breasts. He figured there was only one real way to solve that problem short of disappearing them.

Jon looked around for the woman he copied his new breasts from, he saw her at the register talking to Claire and exchanging money, she was about to leave the store. Jon pointed his finger at her and said "Copy that Bra". In an instant Jon's chest felt different, he could feel the bra suddenly appearing around his breasts; Jon could even feel the shoulder straps of a bra designed for a different body shape digging slightly into his shoulders. Jon pulled at the shoulder straps through his shirt, trying to get himself comfortable.

When he was finished, he rolled his shoulders, making sure he was comfortable and headed out of the shop. Claire waved to Jon as he walked past; "Cya later!" she called out after him, the woman she was serving had since vanished. Jon waved back to her and left the shop.

Jon headed out into the mall, already noticing how much more comfortable his breasts were underneath his new bra. He looked around shopfronts on either side of the cafe and down further into the mall, the woman he copied his breasts from had disappeared into the sea of the crowd. Jon turned and walked off.

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